Thursday, June 17, 2010

Obama uses call to arms to shift arc of oil crisis

This sounds like a good thing: El Presidente' taking the lead in the war on Afganistan... no Iraq... no Mexico... no Canada!... no... OMG the American People. Well, at least he defined the real culprets in this Gulf oil spill mess. The article reads in part

"His enemies were oil industry lobbyists and corrupt regulators, foreign energy suppliers and conservative policy makers, and a stubborn gushing well at the bottom of the sea."

Of course, later on in the article he revised this list to include the real culprets - The Republican Party - for (a) causing the oil spill in the first place and (b) not raising taxes. But both of these failures on the part of the Republicans will soon be rectified under Obama's leadership.

It is, however, very odd how that the Oil Companies escaped the list. It must have something to do with contributions to his election campaign and the campaigns of his Democratic cronies. Well?

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