Monday, December 24, 2012

Santa's coming!!!

The fat man started at the North Pole and flew directly to Japan where he was pelted with rice cakes.  Then it was on to Melbourne where no one actually noticed.  So Santa stopped off a a pub and downed a few gallons of "good cheer".  Next stop was North Korea where he was fired on by Russian built MIG 15 fighters.  And I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight... F**k this place!

Next he landed in India where 11 sacred cows wandering the streets of Delhi attached his Raindeer and attempted to rape them.  Santa escaped but lost Princer in the melee.

Iran was even worse.  The AAA and SAM missises were thick as fleas on an Obama kid, so it was on to Iraq where he was pelted with rock by Muslims carrying signs reading "YANKEE GO HOME!"

Italy can't be that bad, Santa told himself.  It was.  The Pope Excommunicated him the moment he landed. So he took off for England where he cried in his beer at a pub before accompanying a young lady the a house of ill repute.  Santa was seen leaving some hours later but he seems to have lost his pants.

Finally he landed in New York where he was given a ticket for illegal parking, taxed for just about everything and told he could only buy 8 oz soft drinks because he could get fat.

And so it goes...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Employer audits skyrocket in ICE's hunt for those hiring illegal immigrants

This sound good in the head line, but if you read the story, not ONE SINGLE ILLEGAL has been arrested. This is all about levying fines on businesses.   After all, Obama BOUGHT the Hispanic vote to get elected, so why would he mess with them now?

Another great headline it he news: 

Obama releases first part of new regulatory agenda, drawing criticism from supporters, critics

If you didn't read the story, one would believe that the Obama Administration is working to protect you, the average citizen.  Of course, that's not true.  We need some regulation of the Oil Industry, the coal industry, the lumber industry. But we already have those regulations.  What do you suppose is contained in the new  6000 regulations?  Are they needed? How much is it going to cost us this time?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Update of December 16th

The mother of the Connecticut MURDERER is so upset and so sad that her son could possibly do anything like this.  Let's not forget that she is a TRAINED OBSERVER of children and young adults.  She KNEW he was nuts and a danger to himself and others.   She covered up his insanity and aided a dangerous person and put the community in peril. So why are the authorities not prosecuting her?  One word:  UNION.

Then Obama, instead of leading, uses the murders as a political tool against the Republicans.  Murdered children are NOT to be used as leverage in a fiscal fight, especially when Obama is so far wrong.  Think this through.  Obama is the most slanderous, spending president in history.  He's run the country out of money and borrowing more than a trillion dollars a year to support his bad habit.  Recall that he was a drug addict in Hawaii (hi book).  In 2010-2016 squandering is his new drug (and I'm not so sure he's not doing other drugs in the White House as well).

$1.6 Trillion in new taxes without any offsetting spending cuts? That is insane.   A blank credit card with no limit?  That comes from some  drug induced fairy land. 

Is there any reason for Obama to want to make a deal on the fiscal cliff?  EVERYONE'S taxes will go up which will generate all the "GREEN ENERGY" he will want.  Moreover, the sequester will gut the military creating more money for him to squander as well as destroying the military, which is one of his main objectives.  Obviously he doesn't care that terrorists will be roaming the streets of the U.S. with no military to stop them.  This just goes to show how much he really cares about the people of this country.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Obama taps Biden to craft new policies to curb gun violence in wake of shooting

Isn't it funny how this happens?  The 3rd shoot out and Obama takes over the news media to talk about GUN CONTROL. Everything else is relegated to page 88 of the Washington Post.

That means we don't get to hear about how Hilary Clinton FAKED an injury so she wouldn't have to testify on her own incompetence over Benghazi.

Or we haven't heard that Obama again raised the bar on the Fiscal Cliffs negotiations, then blamed the Republicans.

Or about the "Official" report on the Benghazi attack, even though  several State Department officials were forced to resign due to incompetence.

What we do hear is the Crack Pot Vice President, Joe Biden, is leading the charge to disarm all the honest Americans so the criminals will have an easier time.  Why wasn't Obama worried about guns when he and his crony, Eric Holder, sent 2000 automatic weapons (that we cannot even buy in this country without a dealer's license) to the Mexican drug cartels?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Connecticut tragedy stirs new debate over gun control, entertainment culture

This could also be titled  SMOKE AND MIRRORS.

As sad as the killings in Connecticut were, there are more important things going on. The continued investigations into Fast and Furious, Benghazi, nuclear weapons in Iran and the Eric Holder letter of contempt.

But instead Obama focuses his entire attention on the dead children, about which he can do nothing.  He acts as if drive by shootings, drug trafficking and murder for hire is a WHITE PROBLEM.  But look at the prisons - Blacks and Hispanics by an overwhelming majority.  The Obama culture is one of violence and lies.

The Great Obama, waves his hands a proclaims, "This has got to stop."  And do his supporters listen? No they are too busy doing drive by murders and selling drugs.

Well done, Obama. You have misdirected attention away from your failures  shifted the focus to GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION with the help of morons like Joe Lieberman.  Of course you do not know that the Supreme Court has already ruled on this several time. After all you only taught constitutional law and a black junior college where Constitutional Law wasn't even taught.

Pull y our head out of you r ass an look at those things that threaten the American way of life, like Y OU do, Obama.,

Sunday, December 16, 2012

As nation mourns, investigators try to figure out what led to tragedy in Newtown, Conn.

What's so hard to figure our?  This little bastard's mother is a teacher - one of those in the UNION to whom we entrust our children's care.  No one else wants to say this but I will.  It's the fault of his MOTHER and the rest of the TEACHER'S UNION who for decades have resisted any competency examination.  This mother is obviously incompetent.   She is one of these women who will sit in the classroom and dole out Ritalin and other dangerous drugs  to other people's children under the likely mistaken assumption the child suffers from ADHD, then leaves her own son plunked in front of a computer screen with zero supervision.

What is wrong when you cannot point out the non-mysterious crap pulled by supporters of the LOSER IN CHIEF?  Go after me, I don't care.  I tell the truth.

21 hours ago Hillary Clinton faints, has concussion

More typical smelly shit from the left.  Hillary Clinton, who is trying to save her ass for the 2016 elections, was scheduled to testify before the House committee investigating Benghazi.   Two days before the even she magically faints and bums her head.  Within seconds her testimony is cancelled forever.

I find it odd that Hillary Clinton is the most falling Secretary of State in History.  Remember the last time?  During the first year of the Obama Administration, both Clintons were very publicly against Obama's policies, Socialist agenda and lies.  One night (in the middle of the night) Hillary lipped on the kitchen floor while baking, breaking both arms.

The questions that arise out of this:  Has Hilary Clinton ever baked in her lift?  If so why at 3:00 AM? But the biggest question is:  After being sequestered for about two weeks, this unbelievable report came out as Mrs Clinton emerged and began spewing the exact party line and showing extraordinary love and admiration for Obama.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Dems draw red line on raising Medicare age, complicating talks

More proof positive that the Obama White House and their Democratic cronies want only to raise taxes by throwing us over the cliff.  Even though the Obama White House has made totally unreasonable demands and Boener and the Republicans have softened to the point of accepting higher taxes as long as they are offset by cuts, Obama and his crime family have again raised the bar. 

As I said on this blog some time ago, Obama will fiddle this thing to the point we go over the cliff and he can blame the Republicans.  So it's time for the Republicans to walk out, let Obama stew in his own juices and take the heat for the increased taxes and all the rest.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Increase Spening $1.6 Trillions....

Isn't that insane?   Borrow another $1.6 Trillions but don't bother to cut anything.  I can only see two possibilities:  Obama really WANTS to go over the cliff.  When that happens he will go on the campaign trail again and point fingers at the Republicans.  An who said Obama ever told the public the truth about anything?

The other possibility is he really believes he had an over powering mandate from the voters to tax the crap out of the "rich" and "save" the middle class.  Frankly, no one, even Obama, is that stupid. 

Look at his history.  He was increased spending to four times the speed of the Bush presidency. He's racked up $6 Trillions in debt in your years.  He has left the middle class foundering for jobs. And he's left business struggling in a no-growth economy.  Meanwhile he's added several thousand new regulations that stifle business.  He's SQUANDERED more than $1 Trillion on bankrupt "clean energy" companies., (The joke that comes to mind is - they are certainly "Clean Energy" because they don' work at all.).  He's tried to destroy the coal industry. He's stopped oil drilling on all public lands in the US as well as killing the XL Pipeline, which would have instantly created 200,000 jobs.

But what happens if we fall off the fiscal cliff, really.   Taxes for everyone goes up so Obama gets a lot more money to spend - I'm guessing $1 Trillion over 10 years.  The military, which Obama has tried to destroy, takes another half Trillion dollar\ hit. And best of all, Obama can blame the Republicans for not negotiating, even though he is vacationing in Hawaii and has never sat down to negotiate.

You really think Obama wants to save anyone but himself?

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Geithner touts Democrats' fiscal plan; Boehner says 'We are nowhere'

"Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Sunday defended President Obama’s proposal to avert tax increases for the middle class and avoid massive federal spending cuts, saying it is a “balanced” and “detailed” plan and that Republicans still have time to make proposed changes but time is running out."

It's obvious that  Obama's "plan" is not mean to solve anything. This "plan" which isn't even a plan is only meant to coddle his "gimme" base and irritate the Republicans.  It solves nothing. But it does give Obama lots more money to squander along with a blank check to squander even more in an unlimited fashion.

During the presidential campaign Obama declared he would "raise taxes on the rich" to the extent of $800 Billions.  Now, less than a month after the election, that has doubled to $1.600 Billions. This is without any reductions in spending and he would usurp  Congress's responsibility to handle the purse strings of the nation.

This is a fight he cannot win and he knows it.  So the "Campaigner in Chief" is out campaigning with the ignorant to back him in this issue.  So, the game of chicken begins. He who blinks looses.  But either way the US goes over the fiscal cliff.  Bad for Obama, because he has no one to blame.  Good for Republicans because it will destroy Obama's second term and write El Preseidente' into the history books as the most incompetent and criminal administrations since Grover Cleveland.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Arab Spring 2.0: Protesters Who Booted Mubarak Now Targeting Morsi

Well, reader, it's time to get this all clear. This again is an mixed fiasco of politicking by politicians who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Let's go back a ways.  Hilary Clinton has heard in the White House rumor mill that she is getting the axe come January 20th.  And who is pointed out to be her replacement?  Why, none other than Ambassador to the U.N.,  Kelley Rice  (also known as the poster chile for Liars Anonymous.  A funny coincidence there.  The Benghazi attack took place, every Washington insider knew it was a terrorist attack, but Rice crossed the nation with the phoney Obama story about some fictional protest and a film that no one saw or even heard of until the White House pointed to it. The question was, what does the Ambassador to the U.N. have to do with spreading a story from the State Department. Do you suppose Hilary Clinton refused to lie to America?  What about the head of NSA, or CIA, or FBI, or the Vice President?  Did they all refuse to lie leading the door open for rice?

Then five days later, Hilary hears the rumor that she is toast and Rice is the next Secretary of State.  How convenient.

Now the Muslims come into play.  Hamas, who has bee chomping at the bit to kick someone's ass, not really caring much which ass it is, suddenly escalates their rocket attacks on Israel.  Who comes running to the rescue, like Roy Rogers?  Hilary Clinton, who, for some reason that seems to be a mystery, meets with Egypt's Morsi.  The two of them work out a "cease fire (meaning Hamas still fires missals but Israel cannot fire back) over about 4 hours of "negotiations".  Interesting concept.  Now Hilary looks like a national hero - Not!  She's still on her way out the back door with a foot up her ass.

Obama is so stupid that we will actually believe that Rick is competent and able to be Secretary of State even though she's proven herself to be a liar and one of Obama's  puppets.

But back to the story.  This is where this sordid saga takes the turn from laughable to stupidity. Morsi, who is not only President of Egypt but also head of the Muslim Brotherhood (pledged to slaughter Israel and the U.S.) see's his chance to become  KING OF THE ARAB WORLD.  This wasn't really his idea, of course, but the Mullahs and Omans behind him.  Oops.  I seems someone forgot the Egyptians threw out Mubarak on the promise of a "democratic" government.  As usual  a minor political disagreement has now turned into a major confrontation and possibly a civil war.

Obama, however, is loving it because he really believes the stench from Egypt will cover his tracks over Behghazi and the lies spread by his stooge, Kelley Rice.

Maybe this entire mess should be titled   "FAST AND FURIOUS, PART 2"

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What the cease-fire means to Israel and Hamas

Sometimes, dear reader, I think both the press and the media are just plain stupid.  So Hilary Clinton, the worse Secretary of State in a century, drags fat ass to the middle east, meets with the President of Egypt (and head of the Muslim Brotherhood who HATES the U.S.) and together they broker a peace agreement between Israel and Hamas.  Am I the only one who sees anything wrong with this?

In my view thee are too many coincidences here.  Hilary Clinton is about to be fired.  Suddenly the Israel/Hamas conflict is all over the news.  Then Clinton meets with the head of Muslim Brotherhood and the next day there is peace in the middle east. Now Clinton looks like she will hang on to her job.

You don't suppose the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran staged this whole thing to make Clinton look "competent" do you?  After all, she knows nothing about national security, foreign policy or even how to dress and comb her hair.  Personally I believe the Islamic Radicals WANT Hilary in office because she is totally INEFFECTIVE and they know it.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff Looms

Six months ago, Obama walked out on the negotiations to raise the debt ceiling so he could continue his out of control spending.  The out come was a stupid agreement to raise the debt ceiling but not without an agreement to cut spending. 

Now here we are six months later and those cuts are coming. Who gets cut the most?  The Military who is currently in the midst of the war in Afganestan and looking at another in Gaza and very possibly other countries in the region as well. This agreement was three kinds of stupid when it occurred and even worse now. The only thing that can justify this stupidity is el Presidente's insistence on disarming our military and leaving the country defenseless.

At the same time, the "Bush Tax cuts," will run out and taxes for everyone will increase to the levels of the Regan administration. Firing back, Obama claims he insists on raising those taxes on the "rich" while saying nothing about the middle and low income families.  In other words, expect your taxes is to increase no matter what under the Obama plan.  It's no wonder he refused to tell anyone what his plan was during the election campaign. Who would have voted for him?

John Boener says he will compromise and even has placed limited tax increases on the table. But that's not what Obama wants.  To YOUR (not my) president it's My  Way or The Hiway.

Suppose the Republicans sat back and gave Obama everything he wanted.  We would see a double dip recession and possibly worse than the recession of 2008.  Obama would blame the Republicans.  If the Republicans fight, the likelihood is they will lose and Obama will again lead us into a recession while blaming the Republicans.  Obviously, Obama will never take responsibility for any mess he creates.

I say let Obama throw us over the cliff while the Republicans use the Democrats own trick of bombing the television air waves with damning advertising showing the truth and exposing Obama's "plan" for what it is.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hostess Brands closing for good

Thank you, Barrack.  Your egotism and sucking up to the unions has cost some 18000 people their jobs.  Your friends forced Hostess into bankruptcy.  Then  you backed their demands for higher wages and greater benefits.  You broke the company.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

I want to thank

I truly wish to thank all those retards out there who voted (or had their votes changed by poll attendants) who voted for Barack Obama.  You will get exactly what you voted for and  not what you expect.

Obama is now claiming that his "reelection" is a mandate for his corrupt policies.  Already he is threatening the Republicans with damage if they don't allow higher taxes on the job creators.  We know, of course, that that will somehow trickle down to the middle class behind out backs.  How else will Obama raise  $1.6 Trillions?  It appears to him "Balanced" means higher taxes so he can squander more while continuing to borrow from the Chinese.

When Neil Caveuto asked the head of the teacher's union yesterday what he was willing to give up the answer was ... 
The answer was....
We already gave up our tax cut!  (Not true actually.)

Now two things are happening.  First prices are going to rise to cover the cost of Obamacare.
Second, many companies are laying off workers to get under the 50 employee limit, moving out of the country or simply refusing to hire. Great plan if economic stagnation is your aim.

And look what's going on in the middle east.  Hamas and Israel are shooting at each other and the conflict is growing.  Soon other countries will join the fight and the U.S. will be dragged in too.  Why is this happening?  The short answer is because "Al Quada is on the run" and we have the weakest president since Woodrow Wilson.

Oh, an need it mention the Republican bastions in Pennsylvania which had the unbelievable 98% turn out and not a single (statically impossible) vote for Romney?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Good Bye Democracy. So Long America


Obama defeats Romney to win second term

Stand by for Higher Taxes,  a disarmed military, attacks by Muslim extremists, higher insurance rates, fewer jobs, zero economic growth and more lack of leadership.

It's a sad day that the Unions in Ohio and Illinois cannot see through the empty suit that was up for reelection. Thank you Unions. Thank you, illegal voters. Thank you unregulated Pacs.  Thank you Black Panthers.  Your God won. Now YOU get to pay the price along with the rests of us.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Storm Sandy

First it is a horrible thing that's happened along the eastern seaboard. That said, I believe the government officials need to take some responsibility for the devastation.

In my experience, while in college, the Pacific Northwest had a super storm.  One of the most unusual incidences that has occurred since the famed Van Port Flood of 1949. The sea wall at down town Portland, Oregon is 26 feet above the river. I was enlisted to build a sand bag wall at the seawall.  It was 5 feet high.  The flood topped the wall we had built and flooded most of down town.

I'm hearing in the news that the "record flood" in New Jersey was 11-1/2 feet but the water rose to 13. Does anyone else think this was poor planning on the part of the city, county and state officials along the Atlantic Coast?  We don't get hurricanes here on the West Coast. But we do get 13 foot flood surge quite often.

As I see it, the Building Officials, Planners and other government officials killed 39 people due to bad choices, inaction and lack of foresight.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

MSNBC’s Matthews claims Romney supporters fueled by racial hatred of Obama

That headline tonight.  Over the weekend it is illegal and unconstitutional for Mitt Romney to challenge el Presidente'.  It's time Chris Matthews stopped slobbering over at MSNBC and do a job he's qualified for.

It's obvious that Matthews has neither read the Constitution nor has any idea what's going on with the citizens of this country. No, Chris.  There is no provision in the Constitution that says the President is immune from challenge.  And no, Chris, we don't hate Obama because he's black.  We hate him because he is the worst President since Chester Arther and Grover Cleveland.

I don't particularly like Mitt Romney either as a man or as a politician.  But how could he be worse than Obama? At lease Romney has a PLAN.  Obama keeps telling us he has one, but  it appears his "Plan" is a deep government secret since he won't bother telling us what it is.  As near as anyone can figure you the "Plan" is to spend as much money as he can borrow on great projects like Solyndra while destroying the country's credit rating, dismantling the military and foisting off his hair-brained health care law which is really nothing more than a destruction of Medicare and a fraudulent way of raising taxes on the middle class.

So, tell me:  What's to like about Obama?  The far left, including Matthews, Rev Jeramiah Wright and Al Sharpton, are the only ones talking race in this election cycle. Makes you wonder who is the racist? 

Chris Matthews, you belong on the Comedy Channel doing this same clown act you are doing at MSNBC.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Republicans rip White House for putting tax dollars on line over possible defense layoffs

Another example of what the Obama Administration, using they Tammany Hall" political machine will do to remain in office. Think about it. Now that Obama has gotten this on the front page, how many employees of defense contractors are already planning law suits?

This is yet another example of someone playing Monopoly with "Other People's Money" while doing nothing to kick start the economy, create jobs or increase our damaged reputation around the world.  VOTE REPUBLICAN. ANYONE IS BETTER THAN WHAT WE HAVE NOW.  (And no.  I do not care for Romney. I think he's a bloody wuss!  Still better than the Criminal now in the White House.)

Border Agent Shot, Killed Near Major Drug Corridor

So if Brian Terry wasn't enough, now we have another border agent murdered and a second wounded in a gun fight with the Mexican Drug Cartels in Arizona.  ARIZONA - That's NOT MEXICO. That is our country now.  And how many cartel terrorists were carrying weapons from Fast and Furious?  Yet still Eric Holder claims no responsibility even though it would have required BOTH his and Hillary Clinton's signatures to carry on a cross border operation. Amazing how the cover up continues.

Judge Halts New Voter ID Requirement

Isn't it funny how the Democrats piss and moan about voter ID laws when they were the party caught breaking the existing laws during the 2008 election?  The Federal Voting Law has been looked at by the U.S. Supreme Court several times since the 1970's.  Each time the high court has held that Voting Laws come under State's Rights, not the Federal Government. 

So who opposed Pennsylvania's new Voter ID Law?  The Homeless Advocacy Groups and the Democratic League of Women Voters.  And who is the Judge who claimed that 6 weeks wasn't enough time for people to receive ID cards?  Elected Judge Robert Simpson.  This is another gutless advocacy liberal sitting on the bench making laws in violation of the constitution.  His ruling says, you have to have ID but no official ID.  So I could go to someone's mail box in Pennsylvania, steal their Electric Bill and claim at the polls it's mine and vote.   That effectively disarms the law and opens up a huge hole for more voter fraud.  Well Done, Judge.

Monday, October 1, 2012

MSNBC: Arnold Schwatzenegger Admits to Affair

There are two parts to this. Part one is:  The Governator had this affiair back in 1985 during and shortly after the filming of the awful movie, RED SOJNIA.  He was not married at the time.  What's the big deal?

That brings us to part two:  Does MSNBC have so little news they can twist to make El Presidente' look good that they are reduced to pissing on Arnold over something that happened  25 years ago?  Really, MSNBC, y our liberal undies are showing.

You could have reported on the lies the Obama Administration told about the attack on the consulate in Lybia and the murder of the ambassador and three others.  You could have reported on Obama's battle to free the "Blind Sheik". Or what about the up coming debate?

Either stop calling yourself an news outlet and tell us what you really are - a teen social entertainment site.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Egyptian protesters scale US Embassy wall in Cairo and tear down American flag, while Libyans attack US consulate

Why as no one else put together the fact that this occurred on 9/11, the 11th  anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center?  Surprise!  This was just a spontaneous group of citizens (Muslims inspired by Hamas and other terrorist groups) who El Presidente'  calls a benign citizen's group and, frankly, his best friends.

Here we have another case of Obama picking winners and losers. And, once again, he picked a LOSER when supported and funded the "Arab Spring".

White House: Libya attack was an act of terror

That headline is from MSNBC.  That shows this is a story that is wrankled not just conservatives, but liberals too.  Then this headline from Yahoo News:   Obama sees Libya attack as ‘terrorist’ act: Spokesman

The "Bullshiter-in-Chief" said for 8 days this was only a peaceful demonstration that go out of hand.  Remember?  That was reinforced by others in the White House and the Ambassador to the UN.

So yesterday, that criminal from Iran gave the U.S. the finger in New York City, in the United Nations (that we pay for since no one else bothers to pay their dues) while El Presidente' is totally silent.  Does this mean he's run out of lies? Or does he, as many, including me, believe that he is a Muslim and sympathizes with the Iranian regime and hates America?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Pelosi says Ryan pick makes it easier for Dems to take House

I'm not sure what planet Nancy Pilosi is from or what she's be snorting.  Her squack claims that Paul Ryan's pick as  GOP VP Running Mate is a disaster for the Republicans because the elderly hate his ideas of Medicare Reform.  Where did she get that idea?

Not one single elderly person would be affected by the Romney/Ryan plan., In fact no one who qualifies for membership in the AARP would be affected.  The only folks affected are those still working under the age of 50 who will now have to work to age 67 instead of 65 and settle for about what the current medicare recipients are receiving.

The Obama plan which Pilosi claims works, would steal $716,.000,000,000 from the Medicare Trust Fund to fund health insurance for poor blacks, leaving the elderly to fend for themselves after 2016. Did you catch the term "TRUST FUND"?  Isn't theft of the Union Pension Trust what sent Jimmy Hoffa to prison?  A Trust Fund is untouchable except for the specific items outlined in the fund - collecting medicare taxes and distributing those funds to maintain the medicare system.  No where in there do I see stealing the cash from the fund for some nut-ball project dreamed up by Obama.

Nut-Ball?  Interesting how that term so well suits, Nancy Pilosi, Harry Reid and Barrack Obama. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Political fears may factor in administration's version of Libya events, analysts say

This shows how inept Obama is when it comes to foreign policy and what an amazing liar he can be in covering up his idiocy. Yes, Muslim extremists showed up to "peacefully demonstrate" bringing along their automatic weapons, RPG and so on. Isn't that what everyone dies when they go to a peaceful demonstration?  NO!

Today it turns out from one of the FBI agents on the ground investigating the attack in Benghazi saying the attack began BEFORE the demonstration began.  In other words, a Muslim Terrorist group attacked the consulate, killed the Ambassador and three others.  It was a timed, directed, planned attack on the United States.

El Presidente' on the other hand wants us to believe this is a peaceful demonstration that "got out of hand."  A few misdirected guys in the crowd stormed the walls and did all the damage.  Why in the world would that moron claim that?

The answer is so easy.  Obama does not want to accept ownership of his idiotic and failed policies in the middle east. As always he has to have someone else to blame. The economy is the fault of the Republicans, the Tsamani in Japan and probably some kid playing stick ball on the streets of New York if there's no one else to blame.  It's time for El Presidente' to stop treating us like little children.  We are grown up. We don't need any more of his lies.   Obama OWNS this mess. He needs to take responsibility.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

American killed in attack on US Consulate in Libya, security official says, following Egyptian protest at US embassy Read more:

This is another case of Obama Picking Winners and Losers. In this case who Loses?  WE DO.

Remember when Obama supported (and funded?) the Arab Spring because they had no interest other than Western Style Democracy? Well, now we see how poor that choice was.

Remember when Mubarak was our friend in Egypt?  Throwing him under the bus was probably a bad decision.  Now Syria is out of control.  It certainly is a good thing that these Muslim terrorist groups are only "peaceful civilian" political groups.

And what is the other thing going on today?  The celebration at the twin towers site in New York honoring those who lost their lives on 9/11.  Strange this happens on that anniversary.  And stranger still that no one news agency has picked up on this "coincidence".

Four more years of Obama and we will all have to carry AK47s.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mother of Dem convention star Castro called Alamo defenders 'drunks,' 'crooks'

I don't know what is going on with the Democratic (?) party but someone or maybe a lot of someones have some screws loose.  This nutty woman, mother of San Antonio Mayor, Castero, really needs to go back to grammar school and relearn history while staying away with the other elements ramped in stupidity.

Let's look at her insane arguments:

1. The Alamo Defenders were all white.  Not true. In fact there were 257 defenders.  132 of those were Hispanics, two were Indians and on a black slave named Joe.

2. The Americans STOLE the land from Mexico.  Again this is false.  For a number of years the Texas Territory was disputed land.  In 1835 the Mexican Government allowed the citizens to decide which country they would belong too, thinking they would choose Mexico.  A vote was held and overwhelmingly chose the U.S.  Shortly thereafter, Mexico started the war to reclaim Texas. If anyone was a crook in this it was Mexico, not the Texans.

3.  The defenders were drunks. And how exactly does she know this?  Does she know that whiskey was the basis of the monetary system on the American Frontier? Yes, the defenders most likely had to few from time to time, but how can she say they were drunks?

This woman has been listening to Debbie Wasserman Shultz and her insane bantering. Or possibly the lying Sandra Flucks who has been shown to have lied to Congress over the cost of women's contraception.

Or was is El Presidente' who show these idiots the "golden path" to made up shit?  After all he's the greatest liar since Satan.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Disgruntled fired employee kills former coworker

Okay, this is not about the killing spree that occurred this morning in New York. This problem is deeper - much deeper.

8/24   New York near the Empire State Building.
8/6     Wisconsin Shik temple shooting
7/31   Shoot out in Seattle kills 9
7/26   Shoot out in Chicago kills 19
7/24   Shoot out in Colorado kills 10 in movie theater

That's 60 people shot in shoot outs over one month.  I've never seen anything like this. There was, of course, the crazed sniper at the University of Texas and others. But they have always been few and far between. But suddenly, 5 shoots outs in a month?

One has to ask why? Has the level of frustration risen to this? Has the country become so divided and hate filled that his has happened?

Certainly, three of the shootings, Chicago, Seattle and Wisconsin, are race/gang related. Colorado was simply a tragedy involving a shooter is questionable sanity.

But the New York shooting is really bothersome.  The shooter was a 53 year old man who had just been fired from his job. At 53 his chances of re-employment are poor. I see this as a crime instigated by the poor economy. If this is true, we will see more of this kind of thing as the summer moves on toward fall.

Thanks Barrack from all the victims.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The strange case of Joe Biden

Reading the news I see two story lines. First, Joe Biden "does it again" written with a laugh as if spreading the glee in an otherwise dismal, hate filled campaign orchestrated by El Presidente in his Chicago, Tammany Hall style.  Buy votes. Lie, cheat and misdirect. Blame and finger point to cover your own failings.  It's all too clear. But it's all okay because he's our guy.

The other story line you hear is Joe Biden is a loose canon and should be replaced. That line comes from the less liberal wing of the Democratic Party - The wing Obama has no use for, so the story line is squashed in the media as if the idea is somewhat akin to bible burning.

Both are wrong. Idiot that he is, Joe Biden is being DIRECTED by the White House and Obama's  Super Pac to play the part of the fool.  Biden says, "Chains!"   That's a perfect example of Obama's race card style of campaigning. Remember back in 2008 when Bill and Hilary Clinton, as well as anyone else who got in Obama's way was subjected to the race card handed out "behind the back" of Obama, by the genuine racist, Al Sharpton?  Remember how Obama excused the overt racism of Rev Jeremiah Wright as long as it served his purpose?

It's clear that Obama is  racist. It's clear that he will do anything to continue as president. It's clear that he recognizes no rules of civility as long as he gets his way.  And, most of all, it's clear that America do not matter to him.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The meaning of the 4th of July

When I was at University I studied U.S. History in depth. The long, 235 year history of this country is marred by one war after another. It started with the Revolutionary War, then the War of 1812, then the Spanish American War, Two World Wars, Korea, Vietnam and finally the Middle East. All these wars had one common denominator. The finest of our young men died.

So here we are in 2012 looking at another war in the Middle East and celebrating not just those who died, but those who will die in the defense of our country. A few years ago I would have said, "In defense of our country, our Constitution and our way of life,"  but those last two do not seem relevant under the Obama Administration. Take a look at what has happened over the last three and a half years.

2,000,000 jobs lost.  $9,000,000,000 in waste added to the national debt in a stupid attempt to undermine the "American Way,"  manufacturing in America is at its lowest point since World War I,  the U.S. Dollar is in the toilet, the size of Government and the number of Government employees is growing at a record rate and now we have 21 new taxes from Obamacare on the middle class while this administration touts economic recovery by "taxing the rich."

Free Speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment is gone.  The White House and Department of Justice is deeply involved in massive coverups over Solyndra, Fast & Furious and other issues.Harry Reid refuses to allow debate on the Senate floor of Economic and Job proposals coming  from the House. Nancy Pelosi is spewing insanity like, "Unemployment is good for America. It Creates Jobs."  This Administration refuses to allow the import of oil from our closest neighbor, Canada, by way of the XL Pipeline, while cutting off oil drilling and exploration in the U.S. The largest source of energy in the use is Coal  for which the Department of Energy has written impossible rules and regulation reducing the use of coal by 20 - 25%. Meanwhile the Administration forges ahead with out of control spending and refusal to even bother with any kind of budget.

Did anyone ask you or me if we approved of any of this?  In the eyes of this Administration we are too stupid to deal with big issues like these.  It is time for a change. Not the "fundamental change" Obama promised, but a change back to the pre-Obama  America.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Oil surges as Iran threatens to close Strait of Hormuz

Thanks, Barrack. Now you have really done it. You back stabbed our great friend and supporter in the Middle East, Mubarak,  in the name of "democracy" and handed it over to the Muslim Brotherhood. Do you remember telling us the Muslim Brotherhood was a benign political party who only wanted peace and democracy in the region?

Now we see the out come of your fabulous foreign policy.  The Iranians are empowered by the election of the Brotherhood in Egypt and are now threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz again. Are you trying to start a Jehad in the Middle East?

You know very well we will not stand for this action by the Iranians. The Pentagon is already sending reinforcements into the Gulf in preparation for war.  And with an ignorant ass like you as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces I can see the U.S. dropping one bomb on Iran then gutlessly giving up.

By all rights you should stop your campaign for reelection, vacate the White House along with all your cronies (including Joe Byden) and leave the running of the country to the Speaker of the House. You are a danger to the United State of America, to yourself and to all our allies around the world.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Chief Justice Wimp

Yes, that's what I said.  Chief Justice Roberts is a wimp.  The greatest political battle since the Civil War and he wimped out.  He wimped out in two distinct areas.

First, he sided with the liberals to call the Individual Mandate Constitutional for exactly the wrong reason. In effect he says in his majority opinion that the "penalty" imposed by the mandate is Unconstitutional then went ahead and gave the Government a freebie saying it's really a tax, even though nowhere in the law is a tax mentioned. Had the bill referred to the "Penalty" as a tax I would have to agree with Roberts opinion. But it uses that word no where in the bill, Obama himself along with his staff insist and continue to insist this is NOT A TAX. El Presidente' cannot have it both ways.

Secondly, he struck down the penalty to the States for failing to employ the "Exchange" and expand Medicaid. By doing so he unwittingly called into question the lack of a "Severability Clause." If part of the bill is struck, that strikes the entire bill.  But he let the remainder of the bill stand.

Then in his wimpy opinion he seems to say, "Let the voters decide."  The voters?  Deciding is Roberts job to adjudicate those issues placed before him. Now it seems it's the job of the voter. Maybe it should be the job of the voter to dethrone Justices who wimp.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fast & Furious

I'm really tiered of the news media trying to make this story.  Their point is:  Who Knew and When.  The problem I have is not who and when but why the cover up.

Remember there is an International Border between the U.S. and Mexico.  Anything crossing that border requires approval from, at least, the State Department, if not the President.  Look at the XL Pipeline controversy.The only approval that is being withheld by El Presidente' is the crossing of the U.S.-Canadian border. The rest of the pipeline falls under the jurisdiction of the individual states. Does this mean Oil has to be approved but Guns and Ammunition for the Drug Cartels doen't?  Does El Presidente' and his cronies believe the American people are so stupid no one can understand or if someone does they cannot be silenced?

So the big question is WHY?  That's an easy question to answer.  The mess known as Fast and Furious was detailed by Eric Holder to the White House through Lenny Brewer and, very likely, El Presidente' himself. Does Obama really need another scandal now that we are seven months from an election? Can anyone really believe that Obama would be reelected if  evidence was exposed showing how ignorant (stupid) he and his high level staff are?

It's certain that Obama cannot run on his failed record of economic desaster, failed job creation, continued foreign policy desasters (Arab Spring, Iranian Nuclear weapons, etc.), his failed $880,000,000 "stimulus package", and his economicly and inhuman "Healthcare Reform" bill?

Cover up!  Lie! Withhold evidence!  What a wonderful administration we have.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

This is really sad.

Rick Santorum, as I suspected, is currently imploding based on his miserable voting record in congress. Ron Paul is collecting the "insane and uninformed" vote. Gengrich, who is the only viable candidate to face El Presidente' in the general election is still trying to reinvent himself.

That leaves Romney. Oh God. The man who runs based on "they hate me less than they hate Obama". This does not look good for our country.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Florida Primary

According to the pundits the Florida Primary "proved that Mitt Romney is the decided frontrunner and likely GOP Nominee." But looking at the numbers is that what it really shows?

Mitt Romney had 764,000 votes. Gingrich was at 531,000. That's a spread of 233,000 votes. Where are those votes : Santorum - 222,000 and Ron Paul had 116,000. Looking at it this way it's clears Santorum and Paul need to drop out. All they are doing is splitting the vote and nominating Romney.

So what's wrong with Romney? Look back at Mass when he was governor. He raised taxes, instituted Romney Care chopped emergency services and left office with the State in Financial Ruin. Who does that sound like? obama. I can't hear you. Obama. I still can't hear you. OBAMA. How does one tell Obama and Romney apart?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mitt Romeny


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Indiana hopes to avoid fraud in GOP primary

Would someone please pull their head out of their ass? This is some big stink raised by Democrats resulting from voter fraud allegations during the 2008 elections. Oh, the Democrats are screaming for blood if those filthy Republicans commit any voter fraud this year. But remember, in 2008 it was DEMOCRATS who turned in phoney petitions, paid voters to register many times in different districts and under numerous names.

With all this screaming are we not supposed to watch the Democrats this year? I somehow doubt that skunk has changed it's stripes.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gengrich vs The Media

I find it very interesting that Newt Gengrich was lambasted by both sides because of his divorce and the rumors of infidelity. What really bothers me is JFK and Bill Clinton's infidelity that seems to have been approved by the press.

Is this another case of Media bias?

In addition, Governor Mormon jumped on the bandwagon too. I really don't find this very surprising since Romney is really a democrat in Sheep's clothing.

It's fine that Michelle (Nut Case) Bauchman fell off the campaign. She had no chance and her screechy voice drives me nuts. But why is Huntsman still in?