Wednesday, January 30, 2013

U.S. economy contracts for first time since recession

Now I find this very odd. After all, Barrack (the rag head) Obama, Joe Biden, Jay Carney and even Nancy Pelosi have been telling us for months how well the economy is doing.  What could possibly have happend?

Let's look at what happened during the 4th quarter of 2012.  We had the Holidays, which is the biggest manufacturing and sales season of the year.  We had the "Fiscal Cliff" which killed thousands of defense jobs. We had Obama reelected. And let's not forget the Obama tax hike and the promise of more tax hikes to follow soon.

None of these things could possibly have had any negative affect on the economy.  After all everything is rosy.  Obama even gave the tens of thousands of government employees raises because the economy is doing so well.

What could possibly have happened?

US economy shrinks 0.1 percent, first time since recession ended

Two nights ago Colon Powell, who I have always had respect for as a thinking person, unswayed by the bullshit in Washington, said he voted for Obama in both the 2008 and 2012 elections because he was the only candidate that knew how to fix the economy. That's a very odd thing for him to say since the economy has been in the tank since Obama too office, the stock market took a dump both times Obama was elected and the growth in the economy has been stagnant for 4 long years.

After careful thought this appears more a racist selection than anything having to do with politics or the economy. Remember how Bill and Hilary Clinton were RACIST in the 2008 campaign?  Remember how John McCaine was a RACIST at that same time?  Remember how anyone to spoke against Obama was a RACIST, is a RACIST and will always be a RACIST   Damn those RACISTS at FOX News!

Frankly, it's sad to see a great person like Powell fall into the Obama RACIST trap and join him his the Democratic brand of ULTRA-RACISM.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Clinton pushes for more broadcasting of pro-US message, raising questions about agency's mission

Even though the article totally missed the point, this headline comes close to the real problem:  Does the Obama Administration even have a foreign policy?

Look at the history.  Obama pulled the troops out of Iraq and handed it over to terrorist groups. Now he's planning to do the same thing in Afghanistan.  That makes two lost wars in 4-1/2 years.  He Supported the "Arab Spring" which turned out to be a vehicle for the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups to take over the governments of most of North Africa. Now, knowing that Morsi is a terrorist who has vowed to destroy both Israel and the United States, he sends them millions of dollars in "aid" and 16 F16 fighter planes.

Meanwhile, back home he is making a play to disarm America.  It's obvious that the U.S. Constitution is just some stupid paper written by some old guys who were on dope or something. We don't need a second Amendment. And hones Americans cannot be trusted with real weapons. It seems the only ones who can be trusted are the criminals who will ignore the law in any case.

Remember Obama says "Jobs are the number one aim..." of his Administration?  Then why has he held up the XL Pipeline when would create 200,000 jobs and cost the country nothing?  Instead he chooses to import oil from such friendly nations as Venezuela. And what happens to the oil we will not import from Canada?  I goes to China which has not environmental regulations at all and has become the world's largest polluter.

And "Fracking" is, of course, going to lead to the total destruction of the environment even though there has not been a single case found where fracking has leaked anything into the environment.  But as we know "Green" is the way to go.  Did I mention that at most Solar and Wind together can only product about 7% of the energy needs of America?  That means it must be worth higher taxes and a lower standard of living.  Right?

One has to ask:  Who's side is this man on?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Michelle Obama rolls eyes at John Boehner, sets Internet aflame

After being Inaugurated MRS. GOD for a second term, Michelle Obama is already on a roll, insulting House Speaker, John Boehner, and anyone else who she felt disagreed with her or her loser husband's Communist Policies. And let's make it even clearer what a slimball she is.   Look at that grey dress she was wearing.  Does anyone else think it looks like a RUSSIAN ARMY GREAT COAT?  I am so looking forward to four more classless years.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Voter Cnfusion over the Debt Ceiling

I realize that Obama has borrowed about  $6.5 Trillions while the Republicans have demanded spending cuts..  Now this is the confusion -  Obama borrows $1 Trillions from the Chinese while cutting spending more than the $1 Trillions he borrows.  So, why does he need to borrow anything at all?

The answer is easy and has nothing to do with Economics. It's all tied up with the need of politicians to get reelected periodically.   If a Senator or Congressman cuts spending to the Elderly, Hispanic, the poor or some other self interested group they run the risk on not continuing in office. So the real question is how do you get around this problem?

Obama's answer seems to be  BLAME THE REPUBLICANS FOR EVERYTHING.  But that's both incorrect and unfair.

My solution is to limit terms of office to all Senators and Congressmen to 1 4 or 6 year term.  They won't have to worry about being reelected and can concentrate on the real problems in this country.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Go Back To Sleep, Dianne

In the wake of the latest shootings, the God inspired left lead by Dianne Feinstein have decided we cannot be trusted with guns even though the U.S. Constitution seems to say we have a right to own them. Damn that pesky Constitution!!  It always seems to get in the way when the lift wing nut jobs are marching to save the world from itself.

There is an obvious misunderstanding on the part of the left.  GUNS KILL PEOPLE.  PEOPLE DON"T KILL PEOPLE.  It seems that is the Battle Cry of the insane left these days.   Talking it one step further,  Adam Lanza, the Connecticut school shooter, should not only not be incarcerated, but his record expunged.  At the same time his gun should be locked away forever because of a horrible crime it committed.

Like Rohm Emmanuel said,  "Never let a disaster go to waste."  This one has brought out all the left wing nut jobs who want to save us from ourselves because they know what's best for us.  Personally, rather than guns, the anti-gun people are far more dangerous and are the group that should be locked up.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sandy vs Katrina

I will tell you up front I'm tired of the bitching, pissing and moaning from the liberals over the "Republican hold up of aid to Sandy victims."  They claim that the Katrina victims received "immediate" relief, while the Sandy victims have to wait until the Republican controlled house drags it's feet. But let us take a look at the reality.

When Katrina occurred during the Bush Presidency, Bush immediately directed Congress to appropriate billions of dollars for Katrina relief.  He then appointed Homeland (IN)Security to take the lead.  But Bush followed up for weeks and months The Republicans were blamed for the storm, slow response and inhumanity. Admittedly, there was a lot more that could have been done to speed the aid to the victims, but money was NOT the main issue. The real issue was one of logistics.

Sandy is a totally different story. Days after the storm Obama over flew the area and, in an op ed, claimed help was "on the way." He then totally forgot about the victims, the storm and put all his entire attention on bombarding the Republicans over the "Fiscal Crisis,"  which he created.  Ultimately, the "Fiscal Cliff" was "Averted" with a ridiculous SPENDING deal which will work ALMOST as well as the 2009 STIMULUS PACKAGE that simply squandered $800,000,000.

Yesterday, the first day of the new Congress,  the House acted and, after reading the bill created by the intellectual giants, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, began chopping out all the PORK the Liberals had salted the bill with. $60,000,000 became $9,700,000. Big difference. Then the House was forced to face where will the money come from, since Obama got most of what he wanted in the Fiscal Deal, leaving the country essentially broke and looking for an additional $4,000,000,000 in borrowing to support Obama's spending SICKNESS, along with the promise of more tax hikes in the near future.

So, put this in perspective.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finally A Resonable Proposal

Since Congress doesn't have the balls or the intelligence to stand up against Obama and his squandering, I have a proposal they should take a long look at to handle the debt crisis.  Remember yesterday when Obama held a press conference, blaming Congress for the National Debt and claimed that his spending program of another $4 TRILLIONS in debt will cut the debt down to size (?)?

If he's really serious (which he isn't!) this is what the Republicans should demand at the Debt Ceiling negotiations, then stick to their guns.  If Obama refuses to go along, then the ceiling stays where it is.

1. For every increase in Taxes (Federal Income, Employment and Use Tax) the Debt Ceiling will be LOWERED by the same estimated amount.

2. For every increase in spending the Deb Ceiling will be LOWERED by twice that amount.

3. For every real cut (not the Washington method of slowing spending but REAL CUTS) the Debt Ceiling will be increased by 50% of the amount cut.

4. No pay increases to anyone in government until the Unemployment Rate drops below 7.1%. (No Joe Biden, you haven't earned a pay raise.)

A simple plan. A plan that forces fiscal responsibility. A plan that works for everyone except the President and his Cronies.  Stick to your guns, Republicans. Make it work!  The arrogance of Obama warning Congress there will be no negotiation over the Debt Ceiling is about 10 steps too far. It's time to slap the President down and let him know who he works for.

House passes Senate fiscal cliff deal

Essentially what the OBAMA "deal" says is NO CUTS - SPEND MORE AND $16 TRILLION NATIONAL DEBT WILL GO AWAY.  Now how really stupid is that?  Borrow your way to prosperity. DUHHHHHH,

But Obama has to share the blame with every Republican in both the House and Senate who voted for this clusterfuck.  It's obvious that they didn't understand they could have used the Debt Ceiling as a tool to get the cuts we need in Washington.  The Debt Ceiling should rise only as much as spending is cut.  If no cuts, then force the issue by LOWERING the Debt Ceiling and then watch these fiscal retards in the White House scramble for a deal.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Senate approves fiscal crisis deal after missed deadline

For those who were either to stupid or lazy to pay attention, this story is another Democratic Fraud.  They negotiated a bill that will "save us from going over the fiscal cliff."  But who are "THEY"?   Let's try Obama, Joe Biden and Harry Reid.  So where were the Republicans and where was the Representatives from the House?  How about NOT INVITED.

So Obama led his two lap dogs, Biden and Reid, into a closed room and drafted a bill that gave the president lots of money to squander with NO SPENDING CUTS.  Then he has a gall to tell the House they have to pass it immediately, even before they have a chance to read it. (Does that sound like Nancy Pelosi telling congress to pass Obamacare because they didn't need to know what was in it?)

This is clearly a dare.  Obama is saying I WIN... I WIN...   He has the notion that anything the Republicans do they will be blamed.  No so.   Listen Republicans....  Send this country over the cliff after passing a bill to set the Sequestrations off 6 months. (Remember on December 10th, he said on video the Defense cuts would not happen.) That will send the economy into the toilet and Obama will  own it.

As soon as the Holiday vacation is over the House should start the work on the Debt Ceiling.  I would suggest LOWERING the debt ceiling, not raising it.  Then send the bill to Obama and refuse to negotiate on the Debt Ceiling when he demands it.  Show us yer spines (if you have any) and send Obama back to the "hood"  where he belongs. He has certainly turned out to be the worst president in modern times.