Sunday, June 13, 2010

Barack Obama: I’m not anti-British

Obama says his hatred of BP Oil is not a stance that indicates he hates the British. He's quite right. It indicates the Brits are not special. Obama hates all whites.

Now let's look at the Obama Economy... This is typical. We are out of the woods and in recovery.

Obama Appeals to Congress for $50 Billion in Emergency Aid Buried down in the article is this little tidbit...

"Obama’s plea [for 50 billions] comes despite last year’s $787 billion economic stimulus package, which worked to stabilize the failing economy, but did little to help the country’s high unemployment rate. At 9.7 percent, unemployment is nearly the same as it was a year ago."

In other words, $787,000,000,000 was given to the banks and investment firms to pay off Obama's political contributors, but the white auto worker, the while store owner, the white carpenter and the white everything else to screwed and is till looking for work. What a guy we have for president. Go back and read about the great depression, Barry. FDR didn't bail out the banks or the auto industry. HE FUCKING MADE JOBS AND PUT PEOPLE TO WORK. Can I yell it any louder? And $50 billion now is going to fix the economy whent $787 billion didn't? Which one of Obama's rich friends is he paying off now?

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