Saturday, May 15, 2010

Canada was on the brink of going bust until savage spending cuts

Let's take a bigger picture of what's going on in the U.S. before thinking why Canada can make ends meet and we can't.

Right now we have El Presidente' screaming and pointing fingers at the oil companies over the Gulf Oil Spill. He's telling Graduating University Seniors to not believer "critics", ie. anyone who disbelieves El Presidente. And these are only meant to direct our attention away from his failings in Iran, Afghanistan, the Economy and the incredible mess he's made of foreign policy.

So what would we have had to do to balance the budget in the midst of the economic crunch? The list is easy.

1) No bail outs! They made the mess and a bail out rewards their greed.

2) No Health Care Plan. That's not going to work and is already turning into a money pit.

3) Cut off Karzai of Pakistan. He's not our friend and the arms we sell him he shares with the Talaban.

4) Start rounding up illegals and ship them back to Mexico, close the southern board tight and give American Jobs back to Americans. I'm offended by the Latino claim that they living here illegally "create jobs."

5) Take the leadership of the miltary away from El Presidente. He has never been in the military. He has no idea what the military is about and thus far has done more damage than good.

6) Nationalize EXXON. Put the rear of God in Phillips, Atlantic, BP and the others. That alone would bring the price of oil down to 1985 levels. EXXON would no longer have to guarantee the shareholders minimum return on their investments, no more $50 salaries for the management and direct oversight of their exploration efforts. And maybe even an answer as to why there are hundreds of caped wells on Alaska's North Slope, a well has not been drilled in 25 years but they have to explore the Gulf.

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