Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oil Spill in the Gulf

I feel bad about the 11 workers who were killed when the oil rig off the coast of Louisiana exploded. This is a tragedy for their families and everyone should mourn them. But unfortunately, they have been forgotten in the idiocy of the "clean up."

First, the Coast Hugger Navy thinks they are going to build a dome over the well head at 5000 feet. Now there's a plan. I wonder who though that one up. More, I wonder how they kidnapped him from "the short bus."

Now they plan on setting the oil slick on fire. Oh, good plan, guys. You realize the well is pumping 1000 barrels per day into the Gulf, right? And you do understand there are two major problems with that stupid plan, right?

First, you are going to create a black, oily plume that will drift all over the gulf, as well as, over the coasts of Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida. Have anyone asked the people who live there what they think of that?

The second major problem is this is April 29th. Hurricane Season begins in 32 days. I certainly hope you have all the oil burned and the well capped before June 1st. If not, your fire and smoke will take out a good piece of Texas too.

Personally, I think there are most likely lots of mental institutions in the area where you can find more people with equally stupid plans.

I do have a question. What is BP Oil who started this mess doing?

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