Saturday, April 24, 2010

Just a quick scan of the news

From CNN Goldman Sachs was top Obama Donner. Now why would that surprise anyone? Everyone what was "bailed out" in earlier by the Obama administration were his biggest campaign contributors.

Oprah Responds to 'So-Called' Biography. Now I love this one. Oprah Winfrey is the most dangerous person on Television. The advise she's give her followers could actually cause death. I'd love to see where she went to Medical School. But that's off point. Kitty Kelly's Biography is well researched and most likely 99.99% accurate. It does not support Oprah's claim to have been brought up in a log cabin, splitting rails to earn her way in the world and reading her school books by an open fireplace. Hey Oprah. That was ABE LINCOLN! The idea that Oprah was a drug user, her mother was getting some on the side, that here father isn't her biological father and so on are most likely true. Sorry Oprah. You tried to set up a phony persona but you got caught.

Obama to discuss Supreme Court pick with party leaders. Yep. The man has no idea what's going on or who's who in Washington. Of course it is a little hard to keep up with the world when you stare at it through cigarette smoke and through the a glass of Wild Turkey. But we know that "The Wicked Witch" Nancy Pelosi and Valenthe, AKA Harry Reed, will give him bad advise.

From MSNBC Civil rights groups fight Ariz. immigration law. So the obvious question is: Who are these Civil Rights Groups. Ha! It turns out to be only TWO - National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders Legal Defense Fund and The Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. Interesting that the only people objecting are the two groups who are most interested in illegals coming into this country. Would they jump to scream and yell if the law were aimed at Poles or Asians? Hell no.

From YAHOO. This is actually funny. "Obama hasn't changed, but the country has"
The Biline reads, "country balking at Change We Can Believe In."
That's just silly. Obama's change has turned out to be "The Same Old Shit" with divisive assholes like R Emmanuel running the White House, the bail out of his Thugs in High Places, tax increases and Change whether we want it or not. Lets remember, this were not great under GW Bush, but OBAMA is responsible for taking a bad situation and making it a disaster. That happened on HIS watch. "I am the only candidate that can work with both sides of the aisle." Remember that? That works as long as the Right Side of the aisle is in the large minority it seems. "I'm giving you what you want." Remember that one? I guess I want higher taxes, a health care system that won't work, under-the-table deals in hight places with no transparency. Sure makes me feel better. And if you ask, NO. I am not a Republican.

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