Friday, April 30, 2010

In the news today

If it weren't sad I would be laughing

Obama bans new drilling as oil hits La.

WTG, Barry. El Presedente actually did something. No. Wait. Reading on the ban is only on NEW, as yet non-existant wells drilled in the gulf. Since no new deep ocean wells are planned I suppose the ban will really work and stop the oil companies from putting me wells off the gulf shore.

Crist announces independent bid for Senate
"ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - Former GOP darling Gov. Charlie Crist defected from the Republican Party on Thursday to run as an independent for U.S. Senate after months of being ripped by conservatives as too supportive of President Barack Obama."

Now this really points to the major problem in American Politics. Charlie Crist was an independant who pleaded with both parties for support in being elected Governor of Florida. The Republicans agreed to kick in more than the Democrats so Crist became a "hie-hard Republican." From day on there has been something terribly wrong with that picture.

I think the St Peterberg Times nailed it with this paragraph from an article dated 4/25
"He ran for governor and was nominated and elected as a conservative,'' said Republican strategist Roger Stone of Miami, a former Crist supporter. "After he was elected he went on an ego trip and began to believe he was more popular and more important than his party and his principles. It was all about Charlie — the cult of Charlie."

Now Crist has pissed off everyone in Florida and it's clear he can't get re-elected Governor so he's going to run for the US Senate? HEY, CHARLIE. LISTEN UP. THE SAME PEOPLE HOW WANT TO THROW YOUR DUMB ASS OUT OF THE GOVERNORS MANSION ARE THE SAME ONES YOU ARE HOPING TO VOTE YOU INTO WASHINGTON.

Schwarzenegger wants to run for president
Calif. governor tells Leno he would run ‘without any doubt’ if he could

Hey, Arnold. What's stopping you? Because you weren't born it the U.S.? That didn't stop Barry Obama.

Older Americans are down on the Democrats
Now this is a brilliant poll. Let me see. The Old people don't trust him because they saw from the beginning what he really is. On January 1st he stole $1000 from every person on Social Security to help fund the bail out of his major campaign contributors. What's not to like?

Lawsuits target AZ law amid calls for boycotts

The only ones who are complaining are the illegal Mexicans. I say, send Federal Marshals to Arizona, let them go to all these protest rallys, round up the demonstrators and ship their sorry, illegal asses back to Mexico. Problem solved.

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