Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Democrats call for overturn of Arizona's new immigration law

Oh how things get turned around. Three years ago the Democrats were screaming about immigration reform. Obama 2-1/2 years ago PROMISED comprehensive immigration reform. I suppose pulling the National Guard from the border, stopping the construction of the wall and further devastating the Border Patrol's budget is immigration reform to him, but not to anyone else. Now the Democrats are united in an effort to kill the Arizona law. If this weren't serious it was almost be funny.

Let's cut through all the rhetoric and smoke at look at what's really going on here. In the fall of 2008 Obama and a number of Democrats were elected to Congress and the Senate. They thought they owned the world. Then reality set in. 12 Congressmen and Senators have quite and won't run again in the mid-term elections. Others are up for tough races they don't expect to win. In 2008 who elected them? Blacks, Latinos and first time voters. What's happening now? The Blacks are wavering and the kids are rapidly becoming disenchanted with "Change You Can Believe In." All that's left are the Latinos. The party is desperate to keep that voting block. Tough. Regardless of what the Democratic Leadership wants, they do not have the power to overturn a State Law - Only the U.S. Supreme Court can do that.

So, look at the law. In effect most of the law is word for word taken from the U.S. Immigration Law. Are they going to overturn that too?

It's almost sad that the President of Mexico came out publicly yesterday condemning the law. But then why wouldn't he? After all, sending illegals to the U.S. is the Welfare System for the country of Mexico.

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