Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Republicans rip White House for putting tax dollars on line over possible defense layoffs

Another example of what the Obama Administration, using they Tammany Hall" political machine will do to remain in office. Think about it. Now that Obama has gotten this on the front page, how many employees of defense contractors are already planning law suits?

This is yet another example of someone playing Monopoly with "Other People's Money" while doing nothing to kick start the economy, create jobs or increase our damaged reputation around the world.  VOTE REPUBLICAN. ANYONE IS BETTER THAN WHAT WE HAVE NOW.  (And no.  I do not care for Romney. I think he's a bloody wuss!  Still better than the Criminal now in the White House.)

Border Agent Shot, Killed Near Major Drug Corridor

So if Brian Terry wasn't enough, now we have another border agent murdered and a second wounded in a gun fight with the Mexican Drug Cartels in Arizona.  ARIZONA - That's NOT MEXICO. That is our country now.  And how many cartel terrorists were carrying weapons from Fast and Furious?  Yet still Eric Holder claims no responsibility even though it would have required BOTH his and Hillary Clinton's signatures to carry on a cross border operation. Amazing how the cover up continues.

Judge Halts New Voter ID Requirement

Isn't it funny how the Democrats piss and moan about voter ID laws when they were the party caught breaking the existing laws during the 2008 election?  The Federal Voting Law has been looked at by the U.S. Supreme Court several times since the 1970's.  Each time the high court has held that Voting Laws come under State's Rights, not the Federal Government. 

So who opposed Pennsylvania's new Voter ID Law?  The Homeless Advocacy Groups and the Democratic League of Women Voters.  And who is the Judge who claimed that 6 weeks wasn't enough time for people to receive ID cards?  Elected Judge Robert Simpson.  This is another gutless advocacy liberal sitting on the bench making laws in violation of the constitution.  His ruling says, you have to have ID but no official ID.  So I could go to someone's mail box in Pennsylvania, steal their Electric Bill and claim at the polls it's mine and vote.   That effectively disarms the law and opens up a huge hole for more voter fraud.  Well Done, Judge.

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