Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff Looms

Six months ago, Obama walked out on the negotiations to raise the debt ceiling so he could continue his out of control spending.  The out come was a stupid agreement to raise the debt ceiling but not without an agreement to cut spending. 

Now here we are six months later and those cuts are coming. Who gets cut the most?  The Military who is currently in the midst of the war in Afganestan and looking at another in Gaza and very possibly other countries in the region as well. This agreement was three kinds of stupid when it occurred and even worse now. The only thing that can justify this stupidity is el Presidente's insistence on disarming our military and leaving the country defenseless.

At the same time, the "Bush Tax cuts," will run out and taxes for everyone will increase to the levels of the Regan administration. Firing back, Obama claims he insists on raising those taxes on the "rich" while saying nothing about the middle and low income families.  In other words, expect your taxes is to increase no matter what under the Obama plan.  It's no wonder he refused to tell anyone what his plan was during the election campaign. Who would have voted for him?

John Boener says he will compromise and even has placed limited tax increases on the table. But that's not what Obama wants.  To YOUR (not my) president it's My  Way or The Hiway.

Suppose the Republicans sat back and gave Obama everything he wanted.  We would see a double dip recession and possibly worse than the recession of 2008.  Obama would blame the Republicans.  If the Republicans fight, the likelihood is they will lose and Obama will again lead us into a recession while blaming the Republicans.  Obviously, Obama will never take responsibility for any mess he creates.

I say let Obama throw us over the cliff while the Republicans use the Democrats own trick of bombing the television air waves with damning advertising showing the truth and exposing Obama's "plan" for what it is.

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