Thursday, November 15, 2012

I want to thank

I truly wish to thank all those retards out there who voted (or had their votes changed by poll attendants) who voted for Barack Obama.  You will get exactly what you voted for and  not what you expect.

Obama is now claiming that his "reelection" is a mandate for his corrupt policies.  Already he is threatening the Republicans with damage if they don't allow higher taxes on the job creators.  We know, of course, that that will somehow trickle down to the middle class behind out backs.  How else will Obama raise  $1.6 Trillions?  It appears to him "Balanced" means higher taxes so he can squander more while continuing to borrow from the Chinese.

When Neil Caveuto asked the head of the teacher's union yesterday what he was willing to give up the answer was ... 
The answer was....
We already gave up our tax cut!  (Not true actually.)

Now two things are happening.  First prices are going to rise to cover the cost of Obamacare.
Second, many companies are laying off workers to get under the 50 employee limit, moving out of the country or simply refusing to hire. Great plan if economic stagnation is your aim.

And look what's going on in the middle east.  Hamas and Israel are shooting at each other and the conflict is growing.  Soon other countries will join the fight and the U.S. will be dragged in too.  Why is this happening?  The short answer is because "Al Quada is on the run" and we have the weakest president since Woodrow Wilson.

Oh, an need it mention the Republican bastions in Pennsylvania which had the unbelievable 98% turn out and not a single (statically impossible) vote for Romney?

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