Saturday, December 8, 2012

Increase Spening $1.6 Trillions....

Isn't that insane?   Borrow another $1.6 Trillions but don't bother to cut anything.  I can only see two possibilities:  Obama really WANTS to go over the cliff.  When that happens he will go on the campaign trail again and point fingers at the Republicans.  An who said Obama ever told the public the truth about anything?

The other possibility is he really believes he had an over powering mandate from the voters to tax the crap out of the "rich" and "save" the middle class.  Frankly, no one, even Obama, is that stupid. 

Look at his history.  He was increased spending to four times the speed of the Bush presidency. He's racked up $6 Trillions in debt in your years.  He has left the middle class foundering for jobs. And he's left business struggling in a no-growth economy.  Meanwhile he's added several thousand new regulations that stifle business.  He's SQUANDERED more than $1 Trillion on bankrupt "clean energy" companies., (The joke that comes to mind is - they are certainly "Clean Energy" because they don' work at all.).  He's tried to destroy the coal industry. He's stopped oil drilling on all public lands in the US as well as killing the XL Pipeline, which would have instantly created 200,000 jobs.

But what happens if we fall off the fiscal cliff, really.   Taxes for everyone goes up so Obama gets a lot more money to spend - I'm guessing $1 Trillion over 10 years.  The military, which Obama has tried to destroy, takes another half Trillion dollar\ hit. And best of all, Obama can blame the Republicans for not negotiating, even though he is vacationing in Hawaii and has never sat down to negotiate.

You really think Obama wants to save anyone but himself?

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