Saturday, September 24, 2011

Statehood for Palestinians a 'Key to an Empty Room'?

So Abbas heads to New York and openly insults the United States claiming the Palestinians "deserve" statehood. The problem is the Palestinians signed the "Camp David Peace Accord" during the Regan Administration. The Israelis offered the Palestinians everything including the kitchen sink. The Palestinians stubbornly stuck to their rant claiming Israel has no right to exist, finally walking away from the negotiating table.

Does that sound like a reasonable group who "deserve" statehood?

But we are missing the real question here: WHY NOW? The answer is easy. The Palestinians know Obama is a weakling. They know no matter what he will continue to send them $500,000,000 every year, And most importantly, they know Obama will throw Israel under the bus because Obama is a Muslim just like them.

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