Friday, September 30, 2011

Ron Paul, Civil Liberties Groups Decry Killing of American Militant Without a Trial

As stupid as I believe Ron Paul is, I have to agree with his assessment of this killing. We do have Article 10 of the U.S. Constitution that guarantees a justice trial.

Obama, in his narcissistic, way now seems to believe he has become God-like and owns the power of life and death over the American citizenry. Not true.

Admittedly, this Al Awlki guy was a rotten apple. He used a bogus Yemeni passport to attend university in the U.S. for free, advancing all the way to the MS in Engineering. He ran a hate filled website, he spread his hate through social networking sites like Facebook. He was intimately involved (apparently) with a number of terrorist attacks and the attackers. But...

It would have been so easy. Obama signed Al Awlki for death more than 5 months ago. It seems it would have been an easy thing to try Al Awlki "in abstentia," found him guilty and sentenced him to death. But obvioulsy, that would have interfered with Obama's Texas Sized Ego.

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