Friday, August 27, 2010

Chicago Mosque Controversy

Now this has gotten completely out of hand. This has come up even in some little one horse town in Iowa. In my opinion, if both sides would allow discussion and debate on this and stop the name-calling this would be resolved.

Thus far this is what I have seen -
1) Iman Faisal is a big mouth leftist radical intent on the over throw of the US. Note his statement comparing the US to Hitler and his ridiculous claim that American restrictions on Iraq resulted in the death of 1.3 million children. Well, I guess S. Hussein and his death squads had nothing to do with that.

2) At every turn the Left screams, "Racist!" and "Islamophobia!" It appears they have no arguments so they have fallen on name calling.

3) Obama came out in favor of building the Mosque near "ground zero". He was hailed as a hero of the US Constitution. Then nothing was said the next day when he backpedaled and tried to claim that, "wasn't what I meant."

4) Mayor Bloomberg is now the heroic leader of the charge to build the mosque. Why I wonder. Could it be for the Tax incentives?

Look. I see it this way. The Muslims have every right to build a mosque. But... and there are two buts....

1) This Iman Falsie should be investigated and jailed or deported if he truly proves to be what he appears to be.

2) It should be built somewhere other than near ground zero. The blocks around the site of the World Trade Center are a national monument int he minds of Americans. Would you allow a mosque to be build in Yosemite, Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls National Parks? Of course not. So why do the Muslims insist (remember Faisal refused to meet to discuss alternative sites) on this particular site when some other site would work far better for them, allow them more room and better access. Why won't they explain their real agenda?

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