Thursday, May 6, 2010

First Divorce Fair in Itaily

Yep, that's right. Now all the fat, greasy Italian men can get rid of their fat, greasy, mustachieoed wives. Ok, now that I've insulted a few million people, I'm jokng. Ok?

The point is, the Catholic Church as sat on Italy for centuries, looking over the Italian political, economic and social systems. Divorce was illegal until just a few years ago. Generally we wouldn't think that a bad thing. It's lovely that the Great Catholic Church takes time to shepard the government of Italy. The fact is, the Vatican once was a political state with emense power. What happened?

Well, Martin Luther and Henry VIII told the pope and the church to stick it, didn't they? Since then the church haas declined everywhere except Italy. Now even that last basstion has gone away. Can you blame them? The meddling of the Catholic Church has toppled several hundred goverments in Italy since WWII.

This brings to mind another oddity concerning the Catholic Church. Every year you get several tax bills,right? You get a property tax bill from you county. You get a tax bill from your state and the Federal Government. In some places you even get a tax bill from your city or town. This doesn't even mention payroll taxes, gift taxes, sales taxes and so on. But the Vatican Chruch is the only entity in the world who can tax everyone regardless of where they live in the world. Has anyone else thought about this?

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