Friday, January 4, 2013

Sandy vs Katrina

I will tell you up front I'm tired of the bitching, pissing and moaning from the liberals over the "Republican hold up of aid to Sandy victims."  They claim that the Katrina victims received "immediate" relief, while the Sandy victims have to wait until the Republican controlled house drags it's feet. But let us take a look at the reality.

When Katrina occurred during the Bush Presidency, Bush immediately directed Congress to appropriate billions of dollars for Katrina relief.  He then appointed Homeland (IN)Security to take the lead.  But Bush followed up for weeks and months The Republicans were blamed for the storm, slow response and inhumanity. Admittedly, there was a lot more that could have been done to speed the aid to the victims, but money was NOT the main issue. The real issue was one of logistics.

Sandy is a totally different story. Days after the storm Obama over flew the area and, in an op ed, claimed help was "on the way." He then totally forgot about the victims, the storm and put all his entire attention on bombarding the Republicans over the "Fiscal Crisis,"  which he created.  Ultimately, the "Fiscal Cliff" was "Averted" with a ridiculous SPENDING deal which will work ALMOST as well as the 2009 STIMULUS PACKAGE that simply squandered $800,000,000.

Yesterday, the first day of the new Congress,  the House acted and, after reading the bill created by the intellectual giants, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, began chopping out all the PORK the Liberals had salted the bill with. $60,000,000 became $9,700,000. Big difference. Then the House was forced to face where will the money come from, since Obama got most of what he wanted in the Fiscal Deal, leaving the country essentially broke and looking for an additional $4,000,000,000 in borrowing to support Obama's spending SICKNESS, along with the promise of more tax hikes in the near future.

So, put this in perspective.

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