Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finally A Resonable Proposal

Since Congress doesn't have the balls or the intelligence to stand up against Obama and his squandering, I have a proposal they should take a long look at to handle the debt crisis.  Remember yesterday when Obama held a press conference, blaming Congress for the National Debt and claimed that his spending program of another $4 TRILLIONS in debt will cut the debt down to size (?)?

If he's really serious (which he isn't!) this is what the Republicans should demand at the Debt Ceiling negotiations, then stick to their guns.  If Obama refuses to go along, then the ceiling stays where it is.

1. For every increase in Taxes (Federal Income, Employment and Use Tax) the Debt Ceiling will be LOWERED by the same estimated amount.

2. For every increase in spending the Deb Ceiling will be LOWERED by twice that amount.

3. For every real cut (not the Washington method of slowing spending but REAL CUTS) the Debt Ceiling will be increased by 50% of the amount cut.

4. No pay increases to anyone in government until the Unemployment Rate drops below 7.1%. (No Joe Biden, you haven't earned a pay raise.)

A simple plan. A plan that forces fiscal responsibility. A plan that works for everyone except the President and his Cronies.  Stick to your guns, Republicans. Make it work!  The arrogance of Obama warning Congress there will be no negotiation over the Debt Ceiling is about 10 steps too far. It's time to slap the President down and let him know who he works for.

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