Sunday, January 27, 2013

Clinton pushes for more broadcasting of pro-US message, raising questions about agency's mission

Even though the article totally missed the point, this headline comes close to the real problem:  Does the Obama Administration even have a foreign policy?

Look at the history.  Obama pulled the troops out of Iraq and handed it over to terrorist groups. Now he's planning to do the same thing in Afghanistan.  That makes two lost wars in 4-1/2 years.  He Supported the "Arab Spring" which turned out to be a vehicle for the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups to take over the governments of most of North Africa. Now, knowing that Morsi is a terrorist who has vowed to destroy both Israel and the United States, he sends them millions of dollars in "aid" and 16 F16 fighter planes.

Meanwhile, back home he is making a play to disarm America.  It's obvious that the U.S. Constitution is just some stupid paper written by some old guys who were on dope or something. We don't need a second Amendment. And hones Americans cannot be trusted with real weapons. It seems the only ones who can be trusted are the criminals who will ignore the law in any case.

Remember Obama says "Jobs are the number one aim..." of his Administration?  Then why has he held up the XL Pipeline when would create 200,000 jobs and cost the country nothing?  Instead he chooses to import oil from such friendly nations as Venezuela. And what happens to the oil we will not import from Canada?  I goes to China which has not environmental regulations at all and has become the world's largest polluter.

And "Fracking" is, of course, going to lead to the total destruction of the environment even though there has not been a single case found where fracking has leaked anything into the environment.  But as we know "Green" is the way to go.  Did I mention that at most Solar and Wind together can only product about 7% of the energy needs of America?  That means it must be worth higher taxes and a lower standard of living.  Right?

One has to ask:  Who's side is this man on?

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