Friday, August 16, 2013

Ted Cruz on defunding Obamacare

It's true, dear readers,  there is a retard born every minute.   Ted Cruz is completely out of his league here.  You cannot defund Obamacare.  To do so, the Democrats will shut down the government and blame the Republicans.

Even if Cruz suceeds in defunding Obamacare and not shutting down the government,  it's clear Cruz has not read a newspaper or magazine in years.   Obama will simply fund it by stealing money from some other, far more worthy program.   If that doesn't work, Obama will fund Obamacare legally using his Administrative Law Powers. 

It's obvious that Ted Cruz is far more interested in making headlines in some failure of an attempt to gain the White House than doing anything in Congress that is worthwhile.  The man needs to get a life, drop out of politics (he's unfit for the job) and go back to whatever rock he crawled out from under.

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