Thursday, August 22, 2013

Okla. gun laws to blame for college baseball player's death?It's

It's clear the tactics of the left to gain everything they have ever wanted.  Two teenage Blacks and one White plotted, planned and murdered a student in Oklahoma. Now there is a lot of outrage.

The Left is screaming for more "Gun Control" to keep guns out of the hands of everyone except the criminals.

The Blacks are blaming "the white aristocracy which has created this unfair divide between cultures."

The "intellectual elite" is blaming cuts in "gimme" programs.

Why isn't anyone blaming these three murderers for the crimes they committed, then laughed about and tweeted as if they had just won the Super Bowl?  The Right is trying to do just that.   The Left's reaction is to yell and shout so the Right cannot be heard, then spew their own misdirected BullS**t to claim they "won" the argument.

I'm seen this over and over. It happened and is still happening with Tryvon Martin  The Chicago 7 is another example.  The Panthers threatening voters in Chicago during the 2008 election who were "simply being helpful to the voters" and the list goes on and on.

But yelling and shouting down the opposition does NOT win an argument. It only makes the Left look more and more lame and self important without doing anything to solve the real problems they claim do not exist.

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