Friday, June 14, 2013

What More Poof Do You Need?

White House plan to arm Syrian rebels raises fears of terrorist links

Obama now has waited until his friends inb al Qieda and el Shariah have joined the fight on the side of the rebles in Syria before sending arums to overthrow the government.  I don't understand why he doesn't just empty our warehouses of military hardware and give it to the anti-American terrorists groups around the world.  That certainly would save a lot of time and trouble.  
It has become too clear that Obama is not working for America.  The terrorist who murdered so many at Fort Hood, the Boston Bomber, the New York Subway Bomber all are not terrorists.  For some unfathomable reason they are simply work related or just crazy people - but NOT terrorists.  That's because Obama has "won the war on terror."  
But that raises the question, if the terrorists have been defeated why is the NSA spying on Americans?  Accourding the the NSA Chairman, it's to stop all terrorist attacks.  Wait a minute.  The terrorists were defeated, remember?  Who's ass is Obama trying to blow smoke up anyway?

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