Monday, June 24, 2013

The Immigration Fiasco

I realize that immigration and border security are a problem. However, all the yacking I hear from the Conservative side is about driving up unemployment and driving down wages.  The liberals scream about driving the economy with an added 30 million new workers.  But let me ask a few real questions.  Of those legal workers with green cards in the U.S. how many pay taxes?  How many receive Food Stamps. How many are on public assistance for housing? And how many are on the welfare rolls (you don't even need a Social Security Number to receive welfare)?

The liberals are dead set against securing the borders.  I can think of one really good reason to stop the illegal immigration that seems to have been passed over by the media - DRUGS entering the U.S. every night carried across the border by paid "immigrants" who do it night after night.  These are not immigrants.  These are criminals in the employ of the drug cartels.  Does this say the liberals don't want their supply of drugs cut off?

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