Monday, November 29, 2010

North Korea

I keep looking at the news on North Korea and asking myself, "Why is this happening now after 50 years?"

The answer is really quite simple. Since 1951 there has been a "technical state of war" between North Korea and the South. We all know that. The two countrys have existed all this time on a "cease fire" with occasional talks about ending the stale mate.

So what's new? Two things. Jung is old and about to turn his leadership over to his insane son and we have OBAMA. Now there's a situation that is guaranteed to create another war. Jung's son in a nut case and Obama is so wishy washy and incompetant he will allow the North to start a war. In fact, he's helping them by running "training maneuvers" off the Korean pennisnulia. What an idiot.

It's too bad Obama doesn't have to face the death and distruction personnly that he has created in Afganestan and next in Korea. A few bullets flying over his stupid head might just wise him up.

Oh... this is so good...

Obama Proposes Two-Year Pay Freeze for Federal Employees
WASHINGTON -- Federal employees will find their salaries stagnant for the next two years as President Obama announced on Monday a pay freeze that Republicans have claimed for the past year is necessary to help put the country on sound fiscal footing.

The president said the freeze would apply to all civilian federal employees, including those working at the Department of Defense, but would not affect military personnel.

"The hard truth is that getting this deficit under control is going to require some broad sacrifice, and that sacrifice must be shared by the employees of the federal government," Obama said from the White House. "Today, I'm proposing a two year pay freeze for all civilian federal workers."

The story continues.

This is the problem I have with this. Obama squandered $800,000,000 on his "bail out" and "Stimulis Package" neither of which worked. Now he wants to screw the federal employees to make up for his mistake. Remember that he's already screwed 53,000,000 Social Security recipiants out of Hmmm.... let me see... after a quick computation it looks like $4.5 BILLIONS on top of stealing $500,000,000 from Social Security to fund his horrid Health Care Reform.

I will predict Obama will be remembered in History as the most squanderous and ineffective president in the History of the United States.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jennifer Gray WON!

What a load of crap! The fact that a PROFESSIONAL DANCER was allowed to compete shows how low reality television will stoop for raiting. Then Bristol Palin as a contestant who survives every week is ludricrous. American viewers only tuned in to see if Bristol was knocked up again and if Jennifer Gray would still stagger his old,worn out ass on stage.

What is reality TV really about? What about frustration and a complete lack of anything to do?

I'm glad I never watch that crap.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Charlie Rangle

I've followed this mess to two years now. Give me and the rest of the country a break, please. Rangle calls himself "Pure as the driven snow" and claims it's all a misunderstanding.

"Oh? I didn't pay taxes on my vacation villa in Central America? I accidentally used four apartments in NYC that were paid for by HUD money? Oops. And the Tax thing? No big deal. And the very Idea I would use my position and Senate stationary for influence peddling. Silly idea!"

Right, Charlie. You did it. Now you are going to be punished for it.

Unfortunately, this reaised bigger questions than Charlie Rangle. It begs the question: Who can we trust among our elected officials? Further, with all this laid out in public why would the blacks in Harlem reelected the likes of Charlie Rangle?

Power corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutly. Rangle forgot that and as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee used his position to extort gifts for himself and for his pet projects.

So what will the Ethics Committee decide tomorrow? Jail? Heavy fines? Expulsion from the Senate? No. Maybe censure saying, "You were a bad boy, Charlie (but yer still one of us."

Taht is just wrong.

Why the American People Love The British Royals

The British Royal Family are way too much like a reality Soap. First we have good old Princh Charles running around with Camilla Park Bowles. Now she's unacceptable - divorced. That means Charlie just deleted himself from the line of secession. Why? The King/Queen are the heads of the Church of England which does not recognize divorce. Who crowns the King? The ArchBishop of Canerbury. Now that just won't happen.

Then we have Prince Andrew, AKA Randy Andy, running around with Koo Stark (remember her?), a stripper in a London hot spot. Interestingly, he's disappeared entirely. No Kingship for him either. Ha!

So who's left but Harry and William. William will be the next King when his mother, Elizabeth, now in her 80's, drops dead. Harry will have to settle for Duke of Windsor or Duke of Dumb or some such. I shouldn't say that really. William and Harry have turned out to be the only two children with any Royal bearing at all. In fact I rather like both of them.

And to further my "like" Pince William is marrying Kate (Soon to be Queen) Middleton. That bitch is HOT. Too bad she's straight or I would be after her myself. (Hmmm... or maybe she's Bi... yummy!) In any case, there you have it. The next King and Queen of England - unless, of course, Willy and Kate are not caught by the press in some dank dungeon playing out some wild perversion (ala Mike Carridine) dressed in leather thongs and carrying floggers or something. In that case, LONG LIVE KING HARRY. Ha!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It just gets better and better

This morning from the Atlantic Wire -

Government Salaries Soar Under Obama
WASHINGTON, DC – Here's where the real pay dirt is. In the last five years, the number of federal employees making $150,000 or more per year increased tenfold, according to an investigation by USA Today. Those high wages increased by twofold under the Obama administration. "The biggest pay hikes have gone to employees who have been with the government for 15 to 24 years, the paper reports. "Since 2005, average salaries for this group climbed 25% compared with a 9% inflation rate."

A week ago, the Social Security Recipiants were cut off for two years for their anual cost of living increase. This morning MSN gaily ran a story headlined Deficit panel leaders plan curbs to Social Security

Now after squandering $800 Billions for his totally ineffective "stimulus package" and stealing $500 Billions from Medicare for "Obamacare" that nobody wants Obama is looking at a $1 Trillion dollar deficite. Wonder why? My personal opinion is Obama has a serious hearing problem and is suffering Cronic ADHD. This is evidenced by the line in his speech the day after the election debacle on November 3rd - "The Republicans will just have to learn to work with me." Work with Obama? It seems like it should be the other way around. Now Obama is hiding outside the country and will be for the rest of the week so he doesn't have to face the press.

Time Magazine ran an article two weeks ago when the word went out that there will be no cost of living increases for Social Security saying, "This is clearly a move based on raising money from those voters Obama knows will not be supporting him or his policies."

The fact is Social Security is a promise made to the American Worker by the U.S. Government in the 1940's. This was sold to Americans as "insurance". The government then gaily collected 6.75% of your paycheck and another 6.75% from your employer to pay the premiums on this "insurance". Medicare is the same deal. Together both you and your employer paid in a total of 7.65% of your wages. After working 50 years and paying for those 50 years now Obama wants to change the rules and call Social Security and Medicare an "entitlement." Where I went to school an "entitlement" is something you get for free, not something you paid for over your working life.

But back on point now. If the elderly are still living at the 2008 statistical rate and can expect no cost of living increases until at least 2012 (if ever)why does the Government now say the cost of living has increased 9%? And why has Obama raised wages for those who least need a raise by 25%?

This really pisses me off.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'm afraid and confused...

As Obama said just before the midterm elections you and I are afraid and confused. Either that or either we or Obama is fucking stupid.

Let's take a walk down memory lane. Obama spent 3/4 of a Trillion Dollars on his election campaign. Of course all this money came from little black corporate executives who work for the likes of Mobile, Exxon, Chrysler, GM and most of the wall street banks, who gayly gathered up pop bottles at five cents each and sent the money to Obama so he could be president.

Immediately after Obama took office he took on the economy head on and spent 3/4 of a Trillion Dollars (?) to shore up the major companies like Mobile, Exxon, Chrysler, GM and most of the Wall Street Banks, all of whom had fallen on hard times because of the evil Republmicans.

Now since the economy is so bad (because of the evil Republicans) Obama has been borrowing money from China and India in huge quantities. But this is ok, because Obama knows what he's doing, unlike the Republicans who borrowed much less and didn't have a clue. But lately the inscrutable Chinese have appearntly run out of money and told Obame to take his Loans and Shove It. You all got that so far?

Now comes the part that's really confusing. Obama and his ugly wife fly to India and agree to buy lots of stuff from Inda thus creating jobs in the U.S. This doesn't make a lot of sense, but if Obama says it's so then it must be so. Everyone knows that to get out of a depression, you create jobs and put people back to work. That must mean that if we put lots of Indian workers to work in India then the U.S. Ecobnomy will once again boom.

I'm so glad I'm no longer confused.