Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'm afraid and confused...

As Obama said just before the midterm elections you and I are afraid and confused. Either that or either we or Obama is fucking stupid.

Let's take a walk down memory lane. Obama spent 3/4 of a Trillion Dollars on his election campaign. Of course all this money came from little black corporate executives who work for the likes of Mobile, Exxon, Chrysler, GM and most of the wall street banks, who gayly gathered up pop bottles at five cents each and sent the money to Obama so he could be president.

Immediately after Obama took office he took on the economy head on and spent 3/4 of a Trillion Dollars (?) to shore up the major companies like Mobile, Exxon, Chrysler, GM and most of the Wall Street Banks, all of whom had fallen on hard times because of the evil Republmicans.

Now since the economy is so bad (because of the evil Republicans) Obama has been borrowing money from China and India in huge quantities. But this is ok, because Obama knows what he's doing, unlike the Republicans who borrowed much less and didn't have a clue. But lately the inscrutable Chinese have appearntly run out of money and told Obame to take his Loans and Shove It. You all got that so far?

Now comes the part that's really confusing. Obama and his ugly wife fly to India and agree to buy lots of stuff from Inda thus creating jobs in the U.S. This doesn't make a lot of sense, but if Obama says it's so then it must be so. Everyone knows that to get out of a depression, you create jobs and put people back to work. That must mean that if we put lots of Indian workers to work in India then the U.S. Ecobnomy will once again boom.

I'm so glad I'm no longer confused.

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