Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It just gets better and better

This morning from the Atlantic Wire -

Government Salaries Soar Under Obama
WASHINGTON, DC – Here's where the real pay dirt is. In the last five years, the number of federal employees making $150,000 or more per year increased tenfold, according to an investigation by USA Today. Those high wages increased by twofold under the Obama administration. "The biggest pay hikes have gone to employees who have been with the government for 15 to 24 years, the paper reports. "Since 2005, average salaries for this group climbed 25% compared with a 9% inflation rate."

A week ago, the Social Security Recipiants were cut off for two years for their anual cost of living increase. This morning MSN gaily ran a story headlined Deficit panel leaders plan curbs to Social Security

Now after squandering $800 Billions for his totally ineffective "stimulus package" and stealing $500 Billions from Medicare for "Obamacare" that nobody wants Obama is looking at a $1 Trillion dollar deficite. Wonder why? My personal opinion is Obama has a serious hearing problem and is suffering Cronic ADHD. This is evidenced by the line in his speech the day after the election debacle on November 3rd - "The Republicans will just have to learn to work with me." Work with Obama? It seems like it should be the other way around. Now Obama is hiding outside the country and will be for the rest of the week so he doesn't have to face the press.

Time Magazine ran an article two weeks ago when the word went out that there will be no cost of living increases for Social Security saying, "This is clearly a move based on raising money from those voters Obama knows will not be supporting him or his policies."

The fact is Social Security is a promise made to the American Worker by the U.S. Government in the 1940's. This was sold to Americans as "insurance". The government then gaily collected 6.75% of your paycheck and another 6.75% from your employer to pay the premiums on this "insurance". Medicare is the same deal. Together both you and your employer paid in a total of 7.65% of your wages. After working 50 years and paying for those 50 years now Obama wants to change the rules and call Social Security and Medicare an "entitlement." Where I went to school an "entitlement" is something you get for free, not something you paid for over your working life.

But back on point now. If the elderly are still living at the 2008 statistical rate and can expect no cost of living increases until at least 2012 (if ever)why does the Government now say the cost of living has increased 9%? And why has Obama raised wages for those who least need a raise by 25%?

This really pisses me off.

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