Saturday, July 31, 2010

Obama wants Rangel to end career with dignity

This is so God Damned typical of this "so-called" president. If this were a white man, he would be screaming for blood. But Charlie Rangle is Black so he deserved respect, a payraise, free living expenses for himself, his siblings, and all their decendants forever.

Everyone is afraid to say it so I will. Obama has divided this country along racial lines. Furthermore, he has actively set each race against the others. Couple that with the fact that Obama has no idea what a president is supposed to do and you have a very large cluserfuck running this country.

Charlie Rangle not only broke the House Ethics Code, he broke Federal Criminal Law, he evaded taxes, he peddled his position as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee to the highest bidder and then used that position to blackmail corporations into "donating" to his pet project in Harlem. What a wonderful example Charlie Rangle is for his race. I suspect he started out by stealing hub caps when he was 4 years old and worked his way up from there.

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