Saturday, October 5, 2013


Wow.  Sandra Bullock shines in this film.   I recommend this to everyone.  It has all the things Obama does not. Honesty, good acting, screen  presence and believability.

Sorry Obama but you are a liar. Y our healcare bill is a train wreck. And y you are totally unable to tell the truth about anything.  That goes for you favorite pets:  Harry (The madman) Reid and Nancy (the senile) Pelosi.   Pass the bill so we can find out what's in it?  Or the Tea Party is holding the economy hostage when the Republicans including the Tea Party worked all weekend to try to stop the partial shutdown while the Democrats wouldn't even look at that bills the House sent over until the 11th hour?

Harry Reid and Nancy Pilose have forgotten who they work for and why they were elected.  Listen you two.  The People do not want a shut down and they do not want Obamacare.  The fear of standing up to our Imperial President and running the risk of being branded RACIST by his legions and losing campaigne money from the DNC does not discharge you from that duty.

Stand up with the "big people" for once.  Let Obama know his health care bill is dead and his budget, along with his economic plans, are a shambles.

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