Thursday, April 11, 2013

Social Secruity Reform?

So the Emperor Obama did social security reform by simply changing the method the government uses to measure inflation.  For many years seniors on Social Security have been guaranteed an annual raise based on the rate of inflation.  Obama wants to change the way inflation is measured.  That will have two effects.

The first effect is more war against seniors.  After not getting any increase for three years then in the fourth year a whole $20.  Obama was forcing seniors to "pay  their fair share."  That's nice but no federal employee has been forced to pay their fair share."  Obama and his crony, Joe Biden, are vacationing 30% of the time on the tax payer dime.  DOJ, EPA, DOD and other departments are still squandering  our tax money with expensive "conferences" and social get-to-gathers to discuss what?  Their next vacations?  Remember the embarrassing events last year created by the GAO squandering for their extended "Conference" (Vacation).

The second thing this will do is reduce the appearance of inflation caused by Obama's slanderous spending and the Federal Reserve printing money with no backing.  The CPI is far less broad than the current system.  That will make it much easier for the Obama Administration  to manipulate the inflation number to make themselves look less better and not like the failures they rally are.

It's clear Obama has nothing in mind but more debt, bigger government, socialized medicine and stifling opposition with screams, false accusations of racism and lies. This will end up being the same old "blame game" that Obama introduced in June, 2008.,

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