Sunday, August 7, 2011

Obama's Debt Ceiling

Frankly, this is all pretty appalling. The Republicans handed both Obama and the Senate debt ceiling plans along with budgets what would have complied with the credit rating services. "Cut Cap and Balance" was simply "tabled" by Harry Ried without even being read. The Ryan budget plan was not even considered since Obama had already threatened to veto it even before he saw it.

But let's go back to the first of the year. Obama and the Democrats set up an independent committee to come up with a plan to cut spending and raise the debt ceiling. Their plan was also ignored by both the White House and the Senate Democrats. Why?

The two philosophies boil down to something very simple. The Republicans believe that helping small business will create job. This makes since when most of the 15 million jobs lost in this country were lost by small business who are not hiring because of the insecurity and lack of faith int he economy and the people running the government.

The Democrats, lead by El Presedente', are like the guy hammering a nail. He hit's his thumb. Instead of being more careful he gets a bigger hammer and hits his thumb again. So rather than assume he's stupid, he gits and even bigger hammer... In other words, the 'investment in the economy" hasn't worked, so rather than change directions, the try spending more and more in the ignorant hope it will work if they can spend enough.

So how did the national debt grow? I googled it. At the end of Reagan's administration the national debt was $2.698 Trillions. At the end of Bush 1 it was $4.285 Trillions. At the end of Clinton it was $5.93 Trillions. At the end of Bush 2 the National Debt stood at $10.822 Trillions. Granted, Bush 2 raised the national debt by about 4-1/2 Trillion at the end of 8 years. Obama has more than matched that in less than 3 years as well as having stolen another $500 Billions from Medicare.

Okay, the US does have "Entitlements." Are Social Security and Medicare entitlements? Or did the American worker PAY for these over his/her working life? When Obama talks about "entitlements" he only considers those two items. Apearantly, free housing, medical, food stamps, education and so on for blacks and illegals are not included. And what is the cost of us supporting 12-20 million illegals and 50 million indigent blacks? Neither group has ever paid or ever will pay a dime into the system.

But Obama and the Democrats insist that the problem would be solved by "raising taxes on the rich." I've seen that before. The rich don't pay taxes and any increase is simply handed off to the American worker. This is an old plane that didn't work under Kennedy, Johnson or Carter.

And instead of admitting that their hammer isn't the problem, the democrats and their friends in the liberal press now have taken to blaming the "tea party terrorists." This is the same fraudulent rhetoric used by G.W. Bush after 911 claiming that anyone who didn't go along with him was "UnAmerican." I'm sick and tired of the lies, the bullshit and the ignorance coming from the liberal left.

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