Thursday, February 10, 2011

Saudis Fault Obama on Egyptian Crisis

Well, it's about time someone told Obama he's an idiot. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was kind enough to the rest of the world to tell Obama how really stupid he has been, meddling in the Egyptian mess.

First, the Muslim Brotherhood is a Shaite group bent on taking over and making the entire world a "muslim democracy based on the Koran." That sounds so nice. Unfortunately, it's not. This is the group behind Khomani and the take over in Iran. Now they have Syria, Tunesia and Lebanon. The Muslim Brotherhood is the bank for Hamas and other terrorist groups in the middle east. They ain't nice guys.

The Muslim Democracy they are talking about means, The Imams control everything. Women have no rights at all. Certain punshments will be brought back such as beheading, dismemberment of limbs and stoning. The court system that we enjoy will be gone and any infraction (in the eyes of the Brotherhood) will be tried by the Imams.

It would seem they are about to take over Egypt. Saudi Arabia is the center of the Shia religion. See why King Abdullah is scared? If Saudi Arabia falls so will Kuwait. Then what's left in the region? ISRAEL. All the arab nations under the brotherhood will attack Israel and that will involve the United States in a regional war we can't win without nuking half the middle east.

Today the head of Obama's NSA told congress that the Muslim Brotherhood were good guys out to bring peace and democracy to the region. What planet is this guy on? These people are pledged to destroying Israel, they finance terrorist groups, they have been involved in bombings in England and France as well as the 9/11 disaster. Their latest was an attempt to murder the Egyptian vice president. These are not good guys.

But this is typical of the cocked up mess Obama has made of everything else. His Socalist leanings are shoing who really screwed up the man is and how far he will go to help his Islamic brothers.

Obama has doubled the national debt and put this country's military on the ropes with wars on two fronts while cutting defense budgets. Hid detractors are mistreated in the name of "cost cutting". For example, he raised the salaries of the entire White House Staff and all the department heads in Government by a margin greater than ever done before, then called for a "wage freeze" while cutting Social Security increases for at least 3 years. Who hates him the worst and have since before he was elected? The elderly. When Obama did that, TIME Magazine made the comment, "They hate him anyway and he would rather they just go away entirely."

Now he's placed us in the position of having to fight the nations of the middle east with the insane leadership of Iran holding Nuclear Weapons.

Great job, Berry. And I see the only thing you have on your mind is stumping for reelection. Ain't going to happen, dude.

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