Sunday, September 26, 2010

This is getting pretty funny

These are the elements -
1. Nancy Pilosi has shelved the tax cut bill until after the November elections because she knows her party will either lose the vote and the tax cuts will remain or win and we will all have higher taxes gifted to us on election day. Ever paint yourself into a corner, Nancy?

2. Rhom Emanuel is thinking about leaving his job as White House Chief of Staff (the most powerful man in America) to run for mayor of New York. Can you say "SHIT CANNED, RHOM"? Nobody leaves the kind of position he has to be mayor of anything. This is an obvious cover story. Emanuel is being "removed" involunterily.

3. Story on FOX NEWS, a which source I don't always believe, saying that the Dems up for relection are hiding their ties to Pilosi, Reid and Obama. (Singing) And it's one...two.. three strikes yer out of the old ball game". Those three, along with the back stabbing of Emanuel, have destroyed the chances of the Democrats to hang on after November. Obama LIES. Reid LIES. Pilosi LIES. America is tired of being lied too.

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