Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Charlie Rangle

I've followed this mess to two years now. Give me and the rest of the country a break, please. Rangle calls himself "Pure as the driven snow" and claims it's all a misunderstanding.

"Oh? I didn't pay taxes on my vacation villa in Central America? I accidentally used four apartments in NYC that were paid for by HUD money? Oops. And the Tax thing? No big deal. And the very Idea I would use my position and Senate stationary for influence peddling. Silly idea!"

Right, Charlie. You did it. Now you are going to be punished for it.

Unfortunately, this reaised bigger questions than Charlie Rangle. It begs the question: Who can we trust among our elected officials? Further, with all this laid out in public why would the blacks in Harlem reelected the likes of Charlie Rangle?

Power corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts absolutly. Rangle forgot that and as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee used his position to extort gifts for himself and for his pet projects.

So what will the Ethics Committee decide tomorrow? Jail? Heavy fines? Expulsion from the Senate? No. Maybe censure saying, "You were a bad boy, Charlie (but yer still one of us."

Taht is just wrong.

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