Saturday, September 28, 2013

House Republicans' new spending bill calls for 1-year delay on ObamaCare

Again the insane Senator Harry Reid his hopping mad because those dirty Republicans don't like Obamacare.  He says the latest House Bill which would not kill Obamacare but delay it until the end of 2014 (after the elections) is "dead on arrival" in the Senate.

It seems the only thing Obama as done in 5 years is pass a law creating the ACA (Obamacare) which nobody read before voting on it, was poorly written, contains the largest tax increase in American history, will increase the cost of healthcare, reduce the availability of healthcare the most middle class Americans and nobody except Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the rest of the haters in the Democratic Party.

Because of the intractable position of Reid and his cronies we face a shut down on Tuesday even though Obama himself has said the law is not ready to implement, the IRS has said they are not ready and HEW has said the systems in place now don't work.

The best thing about the Republican version is Obamacare would not take affect until after the November, 2014 elections.  With so many Democratic seats in both houses up for grabs, it's likely the Republicans will take back the Senate and hold onto the House.  Then Obamacare can finally be repealed and put to rest.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Ted Cruz is an idiot.  His grandstanding before he Senate was a complete waste of time. If anything it induced more Republican Senators to side with the the Democrats over the budget ceiling. 21 hours of nothing amounts to nothing.

So why the grand standing? I can answer that question from history as recent as 2007.  At that time, out of the woodwork came a senator who have no experience, no voting record and no reason to ever be elected to anything more important than dog catcher. We all recognize this man as Barrack Obama.

Obama was the master at grandstanding.  He gave beautiful speeches filled with hope and lies. The left pounced on him as a cat would pounce on a rat. Why?  Because he was new, because he was black and because no one had any idea what his true positions were.  All he would say is he was going to, "fundamentally change how Washington works" and that "he was the only candidate who would work both sides of the aisle."  Fundamental change has turned into socialist policies that have put the U.S. on the road to becoming a second class nation.  Working both sides of the aisle clearly has meant ignoring the Republican House and blaming them for all his own failures.

Is this the kind of man we want to be President?  Isn't Cruz essentially the same person in another garb?

Both Cruz and Rubio are one issue candidates - Immigration reform.  For Cruz to jump on the Obamacare bandwagon is insulting.  His position is not been thought through. He had to know before his stupid speech before the senate that he was wasting everyone's time and he had to know that this was only a stage for him to bring his name out to public view so that the ignorant would follow him and contribute to his election campaign.

I'm disgusted.