Friday, September 30, 2011

Ron Paul, Civil Liberties Groups Decry Killing of American Militant Without a Trial

As stupid as I believe Ron Paul is, I have to agree with his assessment of this killing. We do have Article 10 of the U.S. Constitution that guarantees a justice trial.

Obama, in his narcissistic, way now seems to believe he has become God-like and owns the power of life and death over the American citizenry. Not true.

Admittedly, this Al Awlki guy was a rotten apple. He used a bogus Yemeni passport to attend university in the U.S. for free, advancing all the way to the MS in Engineering. He ran a hate filled website, he spread his hate through social networking sites like Facebook. He was intimately involved (apparently) with a number of terrorist attacks and the attackers. But...

It would have been so easy. Obama signed Al Awlki for death more than 5 months ago. It seems it would have been an easy thing to try Al Awlki "in abstentia," found him guilty and sentenced him to death. But obvioulsy, that would have interfered with Obama's Texas Sized Ego.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Obama Getting Mileage Out of Economic Proposals on Fundraising Stump

The is a perfect example of Obama's entire presidency. Speech after speech. Demands for reform while pandering to the rich and influential. Then when his policies fail he blames - Hurricanes, Typhoons, the Republican Party, the Tea Party, traitors within the Democratic Party and everyone else he can think of. This president NEVER takes responsibility.

His domestic/economic policies have placed the US in serious jeopardy. His flawed foreign policy has placed the middle east in turmoil and now threatens Israel and ultimately this country too. He has taught the world that the U.S. is the "weak sister" who sides with Muslims even in the face of warnings of terror.

This is the president who removed those who risked their lives on 9/11, all religions and everyone who was not personally hand picked from the 9/11 anniversary. And what did the 9/11 speech turn into? A bashing session of the Republicans and Tea Party.

The yoyo wants nothing in live but to be re-elected even though he bankrupts the country and places us in the position of allowing another 9/11.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Morgan Freeman on the Tea Party: 'It is a Racist Thing

I have long been a fan of Morgan Freeman's acting. But where did this come from? Someone needs to set Freeman straight. Agreed there is a lot of racism in the US. Obama is racist. There is racism still existing in the deep south. There is racism existing in many of the rural areas. What does that have to do with the Tea Party?

I believe in the tea party and what they stand for as do many Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Does that mean that we are all Racist? I was a Selma Bus Rider way back in the 1960's. Where was Freeman? I don't remember him there. I still have a crack in my forehead where I was struck by an Alabama State Policeman. Does Freeman?

The Democrats have used and used and over used the race card to the point where it makes one sick to hear it. The great racists in America are those throwing the race card at anyone who disagrees with them. Frankly, that make them racist. Go back to sleep Morgan and stay out of politics. You've made a fool of yourself.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Solyndra Scam

There are a number of elements to this miss. First, the CEO gave a very large donation to Obama's election campaign. This is after Solyndra's request for development money from the DOE was placed on hold (rejected?) by the Bush Administration. Not that there was any cronyism or such but six weeks after Obama took office he is fast-tracking the Solyndra request. Then tied this up in his "Stimulus Package" for a whopping %535,000,000.

That's bad enough, but at the same time, Obama and his little toady, Joe Biden, had already scheduled a photo op showing how his stimulus plan was creating "green jobs." The question here is: How many jobs were actually created? That is a question I can't seem to find an answer too. If I were to guess, I would say 3 to 500. Even at 500 jobs that works out to $1,070,000 tax payer dollars per job. Personally, I think I could have taken all those new hires aside, given them each, $100,000 and saved a hell of a lot of money.

The story really get's worse. The upper management of Solyndra could see this mess going down the tube, so what did they do? The got the investors to kick in $73,000 and subordinate the DOE loan to second position in violation of DOE Rules, as well as, statue. Two week later, as the CEO was handing out 1100 pink slips and shaking his head, claiming no one could see this failure coming. That is no one except the Board of Directors and the two top executives who orchestrated the $73,000 phoney loan at the last minute. By this time a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy has been filed in Federal Court. The assets will be liquidated and the cronies will be repaid their $73 K, but the tax payers are left holding the bag for half a billion dollars.

Next out of the mess boils LIGHTSQUARE. Oops. Who was in early investor in that company? Why Obama, of course. And who is the major backer? George Sores. How does he keep popping up in these fiascoes? The story of LightSquare is a little different. They aren't broke (yet) but their product endangers the security and defense of the United States. But that doesn't seem to be a problem with Obama and his friends. They even pressured a Major General to lie to Congress to push this mess through approval.

These are classic cases of Crony Capitalism. Obama and his friends have over and over fleeced the U.S. Tax payer out of billions of dollars. When will this stop?

Statehood for Palestinians a 'Key to an Empty Room'?

So Abbas heads to New York and openly insults the United States claiming the Palestinians "deserve" statehood. The problem is the Palestinians signed the "Camp David Peace Accord" during the Regan Administration. The Israelis offered the Palestinians everything including the kitchen sink. The Palestinians stubbornly stuck to their rant claiming Israel has no right to exist, finally walking away from the negotiating table.

Does that sound like a reasonable group who "deserve" statehood?

But we are missing the real question here: WHY NOW? The answer is easy. The Palestinians know Obama is a weakling. They know no matter what he will continue to send them $500,000,000 every year, And most importantly, they know Obama will throw Israel under the bus because Obama is a Muslim just like them.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Americans Freed From Iran Prison Begin Trek Home

So the story is, two INNOCENT guys went hiking in Iraq in the middle of a war because they had nothing else to do. Then, after climbing a 15 foot fence, evading a border patrol and suddenly finding themselves in IRAN. It's pretty amazing to me the crap that comes out of Washington.

Now that these to INNOCENT guys have been ransomed and are free, I can speak my mind. This is a short list of what I find WRONG with this story:

1. Two innocent guys go hiking in the middle of a war zone? Not likely. First getting visas to get into Iraq would have been difficult. The Military would have stopped them from wandering off into the country side. And no one in their right mind would have even wanted to do what they did.

2. Crossing from Iraq into Iran isn't like seeing a sign as you cross the 45th parallel on I-84. This is an international border with a serious fence and border patrols.

So why were they really there? My guess is they were working for the CIA doing a spy mission into Iran. The Iranians told the truth. The Obama White House and State Departments LIED (again).

Monday, September 19, 2011

NYT: Military retiree benefits vulnerable as Congress struggles to cut debt

First of all this headline is typically twisted by the New York Times. It's not CONGRESS that is having trouble cutting spending. It's OBAMA. But then, the NYT LOVES Obama and has to blame someone.

Frankly, in my opinion, it's a crime to cut anything from the Military with two wars in the middle east (I'm not going to argue the efficacy of either war). These men put their lives on the line and served America based on a long standing promise. Now in his usual mode Obama wants to disavow that promise.

It's interesting to note that Obama and none of the other White House seniors were even in the military and as such have no right to mess with those who have served. What are you going to do, Mr. President? Steal their pensions? What next? Steal their body armor? Place their ammunition on a ration system? You are killing the next generation who will take over running this country.

Don't expect to be re-elected. You are an idiot, Barry.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

GOP Frustration Grows With Obama Approach to Jobs, Deficit Read more:

Let's tear this plan apart and score it for jobs.

1) Reduce the Payroll Tax Deduction. 50% - This will give those with jobs more to spend, but how will it induce business to hire?
2) Unemployment Extension 10% - Okay, there are, in fact, jobs out there but why look for a job that pays the same or less than unemployment?
3) Raise Taxes on Small Business 0% - This makes no sense at all. Why over tax those who would create jobs? Does that induce them to hire? Nope!
4) Infrastructure Spending 0% - This again won't work because only 12% of the work force is Union, all municipal , State and Federal jobs are Union. The Unions are (a) already working and (b) are the reason why so many American Jobs have been forced overseas.

Ok, this gives the Obama administration a whopping 15% rating on this plan. Will this cut the deficit? No. Will this create jobs? No. Will this spend lots of money ($1/2 Trillion)? Yes.

Work the numbers for yourself while you collect your unemployment check thanks to the Obama Administration.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Obama: Pass jobs bill without 'division or delay'

I saw this headline is wondered, "What does he mean by 'division'?" Does he mean division between the parties that he is responsible for? Or does he mean division of his bill, meaning picking out the parts that will work and throwing away the rest? I suspect he means the latter. That's right, don't bother reading the bill. Barry says it's okay. Don't chop it up because it's perfect the way it stands. Hurry hurry hurry hurry. I think we heard that one with Obama Care, eh?

As I've said before, "infrastructure" spending will create UNION jobs for his friends in the AFL-CIO and Teamsters Union in 5 to 8 years, not anytime soon. Essentially this is another boondoggle, give-away program that won't work, hasn't worked in the past and will never work.

Obviously, Obama learned nothing from the Solyndra fiasco. Using taxpayer dollars to payoff political debts is both scurrilous as well as fraudulent. The way this is working out, everyone who contributed to Obama's election campaign is being paid back at a rate of $100o for every $1 donated.

But the real question is: Will this bill create jobs or simply create more money the administration can squander on useless projects that will quietly go bankrupt in 2 to 3 years? I suspect it's about raising money and has nothing to do with jobs at all.

The first "Stimulus Bill" created jobs at a cost of $5,000,000 per job created. At this rate the current bill will create an additional 89 jobs. Is that really worth while?

In his speech to the Joint Congress, Obama claimed over and over "everything in this bill has bi-partisan support." Does that include the bill that was voted down 2 years ago by the democratic House and Senate that would have closed loopholes for wealthy individuals? Does that include tax hikes that the Republicans will not stand for? Does that include raising taxes on small businesses that neither party will go along with?

Barry, stop lying and go back to the drawing board. Listen to what FDR said: "When it doesn't work, apologize and do something different." And you owe a HUGE apology to the American Tax Payer, and potentially a serious investigation for fraud and corruption.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Obama: 'Pass this bill immediately'

Now where did I hear that line before? Oh yes. When Obama forced "Obamacare" through congress. "Just pass it. I told you what's in it. You don't need to read it." Man this is getting old.

This is NOT in anyway a "JOBS" bill. It's all about "STIMULUS".

When you start being honest, Barry, we will start thinking about trusting you.,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sights & Sounds of 9/11 Anniversary

Doesn't that sound nice? But let's not forget than Obama and his crony, Michael Bloomberg, insulted 90% of Americans by barring all religious persons from the ceremony. I can understand that some may believe that a Muslim cleric at the function may send the "wrong message" but this shows a deep misunderstanding of the religion of Islam.

"God Damn it! All them fucking rag heads is terrorists. Let's go kill a cab driver in New York." Sorry but that is the image of a few 3rd grade geniuses in this country. But the image is entirely wrong.

And what about the Baptists and Methodists and Jews and Episcopalians? Are they barred because they are terrorists too?

It appears to be allowed on the site you have to be on the DNC's "A" list. They only allow people like the 8 year old girl who stood in front of the mic and cried at the loss of her father TEN YEARS AGO (?) It seems there is something wholly fictitious about this function. Lots of hoopla, clergy barred and so on, but choreographed as some deep, emotionally religious spectacle.

And the very idea that Michelle Obama placed to wreath on the the "tomb" makes me want to puke. Sorry, but both she and here husband are Muslims. They can deny all they want, but it's true. Furthermore, the both sat in Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years and claim they never heard any of the hate and anti-American bullshit that permeates that building. Liars and economic Jehadists bent on destroying Ameica and the American way of life.!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Obama jobs plan heartens frustrated blacks

I've been under the impression that Blacks are both pretty ignorant of politics and politicians and essentially lazy. Now there's proof. This story ran on MSNBC. The story points out that blacks are unemployed and underemployed by twice the national average. But, at the same time, they are so happy that Barry is finally doing something to help the Black Community.

Let me see. They get a 3% roll back in payroll taxes. Oh. Never mind, they don't have jobs. They get another year of Unemployment Insurance. They love that one. It's a total no brainer. The get a reduction in the annual Federal Tax bill. Oops. They are unemployed so they don't pay taxes. But, with a couple hundred billions being spent on "shovel ready" infrastructure jobs... which won't be available for 3 to 7 years...

Oh never mind. The point is proved.

Israel: Egypt Embassy Attack Blow to 'Fabric of Peace'

Aren't you proud, Barry, now that your peace-loving, freedom-loving, totally secular friends in the Muslim Brotherhood have shown their true face by attacking the Israeli embassy in Cairo?

What? You never saw this coming? You are indeed a complete moron and should resign office immediately and stand trial in open court for economic and foreign policy terrorism against this country and against our friends. You do realize that you have involved us in a coming full scale war with the entire middle east, some of whom have nukes?

My only question to you is, did someone drop you on your head as a child or were you just born stupid?

Obama Pledging Most Sweeping Debt Reduction Plan of His Presidency

Now that's and easy promise to fulfill. All he has to do is cut one cent out of his spending plan and he will call it "Sweeping Debt Reduction". However, two months later he will want the debt ceiling raised because that penny nearly broke the government.

Enough said.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Longshoremen Union for Strike Gone Wrong

Well, Barry,
After listening to your droll on and on about "creating jobs" it's clear the jobs you intend are UNION JOBS. You suck buddy, Trumka, has unleashed the Longshoreman Union against a company that is trying to create jobs and make a profit. The basis of this dispute is clearly in the Longshoreman's Union side. They made unreasonable demands on the owners who then turned to a different union rather than give in to threats and intimidation.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the percentage of American workers who belong to a union (even counting those not working in union shops) is only 11.9% of the working population. Interestingly, the number of union workers is almost exactly the same number as those unemployed.

However, of the some 14 million union workers only about 9% are without jobs, mostly in the construction industry. Hence, Obama's insistence on "Infrastructure Spending" since those are all union or paid at the same scale. Frankly, this does little or nothing for the greatest share of unemployed in the U.S. Just keep telling us how well you are doing and we will tell you how well you really did come November 2012.

The tactics employed by the Longshoreman in this case is nothing short of criminal. The union ignored a court order and attacked the property, damaged the premises and destroyed thousands of tons of grain, to say nothing of the assault on the guards.

But what can you expect. From wikapedia on Richard Trumka : "But Trumka's tenure as Secretary-Treasurer was not without controversy. In 1996, Teamsters president Ron Carey was locked in a tight reelection battle with James P. Hoffa, son of disappeared Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa and a long-time Teamsters union attorney. Hoffa was also out-raising Carey in funds by more than 4-to-1, but the Carey campaign was convinced it could win if the campaign could bypass the local leadership (which supported Hoffa) and get his message directly to Teamsters members.[15] Martin Davis, a Carey campaign consultant who owned The November Group (a direct-marketing company), allegedly contacted Trumka in the summer of 1996 and concocted a scheme whereby the Teamsters would donate $150,000 to the AFL-CIO for spurious get-out-the-vote efforts and the AFL-CIO would pay the same amount to Citizen Action (a liberal grassroots lobbying and organizing group).[15] Citizen Action would then pay $100,000 to The November Group, which would use the cash to finance Carey's direct marketing effort.[16][17][18] The alleged scheme was revealed on August 22, 1997, by a federal government official overseeing the Teamsters' election.[18][19] The federal government overturned Carey's successful reelection, and ordered a new election.[20] On November 17, 1997, a federal official disqualified Carey from seeking elective office in the union.[16] Carey was indicted on federal perjury charges in January 2001,[21] pled not guilty,[22] and was found not guilty on all charges on October 12, 2001.[23] Trumka invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination during the government's grand jury investigation and a congressional panel, but was never charged with any crimes.[ Although the AFL-CIO had a policy (enacted in the wake of several Teamsters' scandals in the late 1950s) appearing to require anyone who asserted their Fifth Amendment rights to be removed from office, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney wrote in a letter sent to AFL-CIO member unions in November 1997 that the AFL-CIO policy regarding assertion of Fifth Amendment rights had "never been applied by the federation".[27] The letter went on to say that "The policy calls for removal only when the union determines that the Fifth Amendment is being invoked to conceal discovery of corruption."

And I suppose the assault on Teamster's Election through such a devious and underhanded, fraudulent means was not corrupt? I suppose not if you believe Scott Mason, president of the ILWU Local 23 in Tacoma, who blamed the owners for the criminal actions of his union, even sending Union Members from Tacoma to aid in the riot.

Sometimes I think I'm really sick

Florida Senior Says He Was Attacked By Woman Claiming to Be a Vampire

Ok, look, some naked woman in St Petersberg, Florida, attacked a 69 year old man in a wheelchair who was sleeping on the veranda of an abandoned Hooters. So with lots of screaming and yelling she bit the guy and tore off part of his lip. Then the guys escaped, racing away in his wheelchair (?)

So far so good. But a couple of questions hit me as I was reading this story.

1) Why can't I ever be attacked by naked women?
2) Why was this old guy sleeping on the porch of an abandoned restaurant?
3) Why can't I ever be attacked by naked women?
4) What was this insane woman doing running around the neighborhood half naked?
5) Why can't I ever be attacked by naked women?
6) What the hell was that crazy woman smoking?
7) Finally, Why can't I ever be attacked by naked women?

The "Speech"?

For some reason I don't really feel saved. Obama's speech is arrogant and, as usual, divisive. Karl Rove put it right in his "Twelve Words that Di scribe Obama's Speech": Presumptuous, Tired, Small,Mind-Boggling, Slippery, Misleading, Arrogant, Self-Centered, Unnecessary, Completely-Political, Hyper-partisan and Misguided.

Why would Obama make such a big deal out of this plan and leave out the important half of the speech - where the money comes from. It's obvious that he doesn't know. He's expecting the "Super-Committee" to dig it up for him by castrating the military, robbing Social Security and Medicare (again), then in the end, "Discovering" that the cost estimates were way off target and need an emergency rise in the debt ceiling of another Trillion or two to cover the cost.

Sometimes I get the impression of a bunch of chimps sitting around a table in White House Cabinet Room with lap tops pounding away erratically and Obama standing behind them looking to see if anything "intelligent" pops up on their screens. (Head Chimp : Jay Carney)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Let's look at the Dow Jones

In some ways what the Dow ill tell you is limited. But what it will tell you is trading on those industries that manufacture.

In January 2008 when Obama took office, the Dow sat at 13,000. A few months later his "Stimulus Package" forced the Dow down to 8579. When it became obvious to everyone that the Stimulus was going to do no good and Obama began bailing out the banks the down dropped to 6763. Now the Dow has recovered to 11,414 but posting continuous loses based on "poor jobs reports." I think that's crap.

The basic question is why has the Dow recovered 5000 points while the economy has floundered? The answer is easy and has to do with what makes up the Dow Jones Average and mostly has nothing to do with the weekly jobs report.

So, what is in the Dow Jones Average? Rail Roads which are a zero factor. The stock never changes and they haven't paid dividends in years. The rest of the Dow is made up of industrial manufacturing. There lies the problem. Companies like General Electric, Siemans, the U.S. Auto Makers, and so on do all their manufacturing outside the country, mainly in Asia. That means when GE makes a profit of $3 Billions last year their stock increased in value, but none of that manufacturing was done in this country. The laid off GE workers are still collecting unemployment while the big bosses are clipping coupons and collecting embarrassingly large salaries for screwing both their workers and the country.

Now with that said, why did the bottom fall out of the Dow when Obama spent $800 Billions on his Stimulus Package? Again this is an easy question to answer. The Obama Administration handed out Credit Cards worth more than 3/4 of a Trillion Dollars to American Cities, Counties and States earmarked for "infrastructure". So where is that money now? It's gone nowhere because you cannot spend it. Before you can hire a contractor to build a Bridge or a Freeway, you have to go through Environmental Studies and so on. This is a process that take 5 to 10 y ears. Sometimes the project cannot be built at all.

How has this affected the economies in Europe? Same thing. Obama's stimulus package did nothing for Europe. Bailing out the Deuche Bank did nothing. The Obama Administration's failure to stimulate the economy and create jobs in the U.S. has shown as a ripple effect all over western Europe because much of Europe is in much the same mess the U.S. is in - manufacturing has been relocated in Asia.

The Good News is, the Chinese are very happy with the Obama Stimulus. It made them extremely wealthy.

Obama: Eat Dessert First

Actually, this headline should have been "A Pig in a Poke" since all El Presidente' wants to do is hand us the cost, not how he plans to pay for another failed plan. This is another, "Here's the plan. Now pass it and I'll tell you the rest." That is not how government operates.

Case in point - Obamacare. It turns out Obamacare will cost hundreds of billions each year and cost 43,000 health care jobs. Is that going to be included in his speech or will that be covered up too? "Shovel Ready" does not exist so 1/3 of his plan has already failed even before it's given to congress. The "Tax Incentives" are not incentives at all, but are the same tax reductions passed under Bush 5 years ago. That means no change.

So I'm left with the question - Where is he going to come up with $400 Billion to pay for another failed plan?

Repulblican Debate 9/8//2011

To be honest I think it's pretty funny that everyone was so interested in watching Perry (who I like) and Romney (who is unelectable) battle it out in the debate. Romney spewed the same crap he's been pushing all along how he was a "successful businessman" (there is some question about that) so he's the only one qualified to be President and then simply attacked everyone else for their assumed failings. He did not, of course, mention that the State of Massachusetts was far worse off when he left office than when he became governor.

Perry, on the other hand, showed considerably more grace. Romney would attack and Perry would respond in kind but with a gentle touch.

For my money the only real entertainment was Newt Gingrich. He is the one who actually was relaxed enough to show some sense of humor and the only one with the balls to tell Brian Williams to stop trying to create a fight between the several candidates.

Beyond that, the debate centered around "I made more jobs than you" and "My state is better than yours." It really seemed as though Gingrich was the only candidate who actually responded to the questions asked.

Bauchman acted like a clown with her own agenda having nothing to do with the debate. All I heard from here was "I was the first congress person too...." Santorum and Huntsman should not even have bothered to show up. They gave the appearance of stick figures standing there for no reason other than to take up space. Ron Paul should simply go back to whatever rock her crawled out from under.

So who won? In my book it seems as though it was Perry and Gingrich. Romney came across as a crybaby with not much to sell. Bauchman sidelined herself with her inability to stick to the point. We will see in the future if I am right or not.

This is so good.

A video I found on MSNBC this morning...
What’s new in Obama’s jobs plan?
All this really is is Matt Lauer asking for clearification from William Daily, White House Chief of Staff, about Obama's Jobs plan. This seems to be nothing more than a bitch session blaming the Republican House for holding up progress of plans that have failed over and over.

The problem is the "Jobs for America" plan is made up of -
1) Renew the Bush Payroll Tax Holiday (nothing new there)
2) Tax incentives for hiring (why would they when there's so much fear and confusion)
3) "Infrastructure Spending" (which didn't work when Obama spent $870 Billions.. Why would it work now?)

This is simply more of the disconnected dream of a liberal socialist looking for some way to blame the other side for his own failures.

White House Presses Congress to Pass 'Bipartisan' Jobs Plan, GOP Has Doubts

First let me say that sometime over night the "Jobs For America" proposal went from $300 Billions to $400 Billions. Now how the hell did that happen? A White House Typo?

Second, where is this money coming from? Another unauthorized Debt Ceiling Rise?

This bill touts "tax cuts". But it you look a little deeper, those "tax cuts" are only continuations of the Bush cuts make 5 years ago. All that means is this is not a tax increase, not a tax cut. As for the rest, this is the same old stimulus story that hasn't worked in the past and won't work this time either.

Since I'm bitching I might as well drag in Jay Carney, the President's foghorn, too. Where did they find this guy? He looks and acts like he's 14 years old.

As long as we are on the subject of jobs, did anyone notice that the weekly new unemployment claims jumped 14,000 last week? Or had the White House and Labor Department buried that well enough as not to be noticed?

And finally we come to Eric Holder, Attorney General of the United States.


Holder: Higher-Ups Had No Knowledge of ATF Sting

Oh yeah, we really believe that, Eric. A couple thousand guns were given to known criminals while the Justice Dept and the ATF watched. Then the guns, as expected, crossed the border into Mexico. Funny that only white people in the ATF knew about this and either got transferred or fired to be replaced by blacks. The Justice Department had no knowledge at all even though the ATF were sending daily reports to JOD. And this entire mess could not have been pulled off without the highest authority in both the White House and Justice Department giving approval.

My only question here is, since this involved an international border, why wasn't State involved?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Obama Pushes Infrastructure Spending, Middle-Class Tax Cuts

Just as everyone thought : SAME OLD SHIT THAT DOESN'T WORK.
Again, you cannot expect to produce jobs by spending another $1 Trillion on "infrastructure" when those projects take five years or longer to get off the ground. The tax cuts he's talking about are the tax cuts pushed through congress by GW Bush. What Obama wants to do is simply extend them which congress will do anyway.

For someone who claims to have taught constitutional law at Harvard...oops... Northwestern... oops... some unknown black junior college where he was a substitute who was never in a class room... this man knows less about law, taxes and the constitution then Mickey Mouse. But then is that fair? After all he did work for a major law firm where he did the legal work for a big time land developer who is now in prison for fraud. Well... I guess that really is fair after all.

Again, Obama has shown that he cannot make any changes in his thinking. He is stuck in a failed, socialist ideology that is bringing the United States to bankruptcy. The crowd of (paid) union employees chanted "Four more years" over an over. I suspect it was more of a question than a hope.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Palin: "Polls are for Strippers and Cross Country Skiers"

If nothing else can be said Sarah Palin has a great sense of humor. The reference, of course, is about the Fox News Poll last week that indicates that most Republicans, and more importantly, most (76%) of the Tea Party" don't want her to run.

During her speech on Saturday, Sarah did put this presidential race in perspective and in contrast with Florida Representative Wilson who said, "The Tea Party wants to make Barack Obama a one term president," followed by a loud "Oh My God" from the audience which was only heard in the clip on Fox. Sarah's quote was, "It's not that we want to replace Obama, but with who." Later she took another shot at el Presidente with, "... That hopey-changey stuff didn't create one job in August." This points out that August was the worst job creation month since 1949 even after spending a Trillion dollars or your tax payer dollars to create "shovel ready jobs."

I've said this before. There is no such thing as a shovel ready job in this country. In the housing market, after funding is in place, the contractor begins the zoning process, followed by the Environmental process, then permits and so on. It may be 1 to 2 years before ground is broken and building begins.

In the commercial and infrastructure scene, it's far worse. After funding is in place it's 5 to 7 years before building can begin. This is another example of how uninformed el Presidene' really is. An with his "Big Jobs Plan" coming next Thursday, all you can really expect is more of the same - Big spending on projects that cannot be done for years, more spending on "social programs" (essentially for blacks and illegals) and higher taxes to fund his insanity.

Barry, If it didn't work last time and the time before and the time before that, it won't work this time.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Obama: Delaying transportation bill could cost $1 billion

Dear reader,
I hope you are getting as tired of this as I am. Without saying the word, Obama is blaming the Republicans for holding up the two Transportation Bills that have been languishing in Congress for three months. But take a deeper look. The House approved both bills in June then sent them to the Democratic Senate where they have languished.

This is the same back-handed politicking that Obama is famous for. An even more flagrant example is Obama's words to Congress three months ago to reduce the fighting and start working together. The very next day, Obama along with his White House stooges and the Democrats in the Senate began calling the Tea Party "Traitors". It's obvious that no one in the Democratic Party has any idea what the Tea Party is or what it's about. What is is NOT is an ultra-conservative group of nuts out to destroy this country. It's Liberals, Conservatives and Independents who all understand that the Obama Administration's domestic and foreign policies have failed.

There is a clear understanding on the part of the Tea Party and most business conservatives that Keynesian Economics works only with specific assumptions. The main assumption is that the country has the in-house manufacturing power to produce it's way out of economic troubles. So, in 2008 through 2011 when Obama "Primes the Pump" manufacturing starts up and the country becomes profitable and the economy grows. And that's exactly what happened in CHINA when Obama primed the pump in the United States with his $800 Trillion dollar plus "Stimulus Package." All our major manufacturing is no longer done in this country. It's done in China, Southeast Asia, Mexico and Canada. (Wanna buy an "American Car"? There is no such animal anymore. They are made in Mexico and Canada with part manufactured in Asia and Europe.)

Pull your head out of your ass Mr. President. You are a failure. You are incompetent. You are unqualified to be dog catcher, let alone President of the United States.