Thursday, August 12, 2010

Study Adds Fuel to Birthright Citizenship Debate

As I see it, this is the problem. At the end of the Civil War, congress passed the 14th Amendment giving Blacks Born in the US automatic Citizenship. I don't have a problem with that.

Now the Mexicans want to use out own constitution against us claiming that they can enter our conry illegally, pop a kid, the kid is automatically a US Citizen so the parents, uncle Jose' all the relitives in their 4000 person extended family are automaticlly ENTITLED to be in the United States. No, that is not what the 14th Amendment says or was even intended to mean.

These are the several problems. First, the parents are illegal and the unborn child was illegally sumuggled into this country. Both the parents and child are criminals.
The problem is one of INTENT. The intent is to defraud the US Government by illegally sneaking into the country to have the child and defraud the American people with free housing, welfare, free medical and all the rest. That again makes them criminals.

Ship their asses back where they came from.

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