Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Arab Spring 2.0: Protesters Who Booted Mubarak Now Targeting Morsi

Well, reader, it's time to get this all clear. This again is an mixed fiasco of politicking by politicians who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Let's go back a ways.  Hilary Clinton has heard in the White House rumor mill that she is getting the axe come January 20th.  And who is pointed out to be her replacement?  Why, none other than Ambassador to the U.N.,  Kelley Rice  (also known as the poster chile for Liars Anonymous.  A funny coincidence there.  The Benghazi attack took place, every Washington insider knew it was a terrorist attack, but Rice crossed the nation with the phoney Obama story about some fictional protest and a film that no one saw or even heard of until the White House pointed to it. The question was, what does the Ambassador to the U.N. have to do with spreading a story from the State Department. Do you suppose Hilary Clinton refused to lie to America?  What about the head of NSA, or CIA, or FBI, or the Vice President?  Did they all refuse to lie leading the door open for rice?

Then five days later, Hilary hears the rumor that she is toast and Rice is the next Secretary of State.  How convenient.

Now the Muslims come into play.  Hamas, who has bee chomping at the bit to kick someone's ass, not really caring much which ass it is, suddenly escalates their rocket attacks on Israel.  Who comes running to the rescue, like Roy Rogers?  Hilary Clinton, who, for some reason that seems to be a mystery, meets with Egypt's Morsi.  The two of them work out a "cease fire (meaning Hamas still fires missals but Israel cannot fire back) over about 4 hours of "negotiations".  Interesting concept.  Now Hilary looks like a national hero - Not!  She's still on her way out the back door with a foot up her ass.

Obama is so stupid that we will actually believe that Rick is competent and able to be Secretary of State even though she's proven herself to be a liar and one of Obama's  puppets.

But back to the story.  This is where this sordid saga takes the turn from laughable to stupidity. Morsi, who is not only President of Egypt but also head of the Muslim Brotherhood (pledged to slaughter Israel and the U.S.) see's his chance to become  KING OF THE ARAB WORLD.  This wasn't really his idea, of course, but the Mullahs and Omans behind him.  Oops.  I seems someone forgot the Egyptians threw out Mubarak on the promise of a "democratic" government.  As usual  a minor political disagreement has now turned into a major confrontation and possibly a civil war.

Obama, however, is loving it because he really believes the stench from Egypt will cover his tracks over Behghazi and the lies spread by his stooge, Kelley Rice.

Maybe this entire mess should be titled   "FAST AND FURIOUS, PART 2"

Thursday, November 22, 2012

What the cease-fire means to Israel and Hamas

Sometimes, dear reader, I think both the press and the media are just plain stupid.  So Hilary Clinton, the worse Secretary of State in a century, drags fat ass to the middle east, meets with the President of Egypt (and head of the Muslim Brotherhood who HATES the U.S.) and together they broker a peace agreement between Israel and Hamas.  Am I the only one who sees anything wrong with this?

In my view thee are too many coincidences here.  Hilary Clinton is about to be fired.  Suddenly the Israel/Hamas conflict is all over the news.  Then Clinton meets with the head of Muslim Brotherhood and the next day there is peace in the middle east. Now Clinton looks like she will hang on to her job.

You don't suppose the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran staged this whole thing to make Clinton look "competent" do you?  After all, she knows nothing about national security, foreign policy or even how to dress and comb her hair.  Personally I believe the Islamic Radicals WANT Hilary in office because she is totally INEFFECTIVE and they know it.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff Looms

Six months ago, Obama walked out on the negotiations to raise the debt ceiling so he could continue his out of control spending.  The out come was a stupid agreement to raise the debt ceiling but not without an agreement to cut spending. 

Now here we are six months later and those cuts are coming. Who gets cut the most?  The Military who is currently in the midst of the war in Afganestan and looking at another in Gaza and very possibly other countries in the region as well. This agreement was three kinds of stupid when it occurred and even worse now. The only thing that can justify this stupidity is el Presidente's insistence on disarming our military and leaving the country defenseless.

At the same time, the "Bush Tax cuts," will run out and taxes for everyone will increase to the levels of the Regan administration. Firing back, Obama claims he insists on raising those taxes on the "rich" while saying nothing about the middle and low income families.  In other words, expect your taxes is to increase no matter what under the Obama plan.  It's no wonder he refused to tell anyone what his plan was during the election campaign. Who would have voted for him?

John Boener says he will compromise and even has placed limited tax increases on the table. But that's not what Obama wants.  To YOUR (not my) president it's My  Way or The Hiway.

Suppose the Republicans sat back and gave Obama everything he wanted.  We would see a double dip recession and possibly worse than the recession of 2008.  Obama would blame the Republicans.  If the Republicans fight, the likelihood is they will lose and Obama will again lead us into a recession while blaming the Republicans.  Obviously, Obama will never take responsibility for any mess he creates.

I say let Obama throw us over the cliff while the Republicans use the Democrats own trick of bombing the television air waves with damning advertising showing the truth and exposing Obama's "plan" for what it is.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hostess Brands closing for good

Thank you, Barrack.  Your egotism and sucking up to the unions has cost some 18000 people their jobs.  Your friends forced Hostess into bankruptcy.  Then  you backed their demands for higher wages and greater benefits.  You broke the company.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

I want to thank

I truly wish to thank all those retards out there who voted (or had their votes changed by poll attendants) who voted for Barack Obama.  You will get exactly what you voted for and  not what you expect.

Obama is now claiming that his "reelection" is a mandate for his corrupt policies.  Already he is threatening the Republicans with damage if they don't allow higher taxes on the job creators.  We know, of course, that that will somehow trickle down to the middle class behind out backs.  How else will Obama raise  $1.6 Trillions?  It appears to him "Balanced" means higher taxes so he can squander more while continuing to borrow from the Chinese.

When Neil Caveuto asked the head of the teacher's union yesterday what he was willing to give up the answer was ... 
The answer was....
We already gave up our tax cut!  (Not true actually.)

Now two things are happening.  First prices are going to rise to cover the cost of Obamacare.
Second, many companies are laying off workers to get under the 50 employee limit, moving out of the country or simply refusing to hire. Great plan if economic stagnation is your aim.

And look what's going on in the middle east.  Hamas and Israel are shooting at each other and the conflict is growing.  Soon other countries will join the fight and the U.S. will be dragged in too.  Why is this happening?  The short answer is because "Al Quada is on the run" and we have the weakest president since Woodrow Wilson.

Oh, an need it mention the Republican bastions in Pennsylvania which had the unbelievable 98% turn out and not a single (statically impossible) vote for Romney?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Good Bye Democracy. So Long America


Obama defeats Romney to win second term

Stand by for Higher Taxes,  a disarmed military, attacks by Muslim extremists, higher insurance rates, fewer jobs, zero economic growth and more lack of leadership.

It's a sad day that the Unions in Ohio and Illinois cannot see through the empty suit that was up for reelection. Thank you Unions. Thank you, illegal voters. Thank you unregulated Pacs.  Thank you Black Panthers.  Your God won. Now YOU get to pay the price along with the rests of us.